Chapter 15: The Big Payback

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Desi and Bri were in the bathroom. As soon as they got in, Desi walked into a bathroom stall right away and locked herself inside. As she cried and talked to Bri from the stall, the tardy bell for 1st period rang out. Bri knew that after the tardy bell rang, this would only leave her and Desi 5 minutes to get it together before one of the coaches or administrators would come to check the bathrooms, to make sure everyone was in class and not skipping.

Fuck them. Family comes first, thought Bri to herself.

Desi continued to cry and wipe away her tears. Bri instantly thought about their older sister, Rez, who she knew would come to bail them out, especially in a situation like this.

"Desi, do you want to leave school early today?" asked Bri.

Desi agreed and said, "To be honest, I wouldn't know how to make it through the day after this. I'm so used to Darren walking me to class and he knows where all of my classes are and so do I. It would just be hella awkward. I can't do this, sis," said Desi, as she began to choke up.

Bri agreed with her and made a phone call to Rez. Rez picked up on the first ring.

"What's wrong and what happened?" asked Rez.

"I'll tell you if you can pull up and come and get us out of school soon.", said Bri.

"Ok, I'm 10 minutes away."

Once Rez arrived to pick up Bri and Desi, they began to ride out to The Healing Center. Bri started to fill Rez in on what happened at school that morning. After Bri finished, Rez began to shake her head and said, "I had a bad feeling about ya'll leaving out for school this morning. Not bad like something really bad was going to happen but, I knew that one of ya'll was going to be upset about something."

Desi, who was sitting in the backseat, directly behind Rez, leaned forward and popped her on the arm.

"Why didn't you say something? We could've avoided all of this by not even going to school this morning," complained Desi.

"One thing about having this ability that I've learned is that most people don't want to hear about bad shit that's going to happen to them, especially in the future. Nobody wants to hear shit like that, even if you try to save 'em. So, I try not to be the bearer of bad news. Even though, I technically am." said Rez, with a slight chuckle.

Desi sat back in her seat, folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

"I just feel like you could've said something like, 'Your boyfriend's gonna break up with you.' Or something like that. Could've saved me the trouble." stated Desi, as she wiped a tear from her eye.

Rez looked in the rearview mirror at Desi. Then, she pulled into the parking lot for The Healing Center and parked her car. Before they all exited the car, Rez took her seatbelt off and turned around to face Desi. She lifted Desi's head up to make Desi look at her.

"Listen, baby girl. This may sound cliche, especially coming from your big sister. But everything is going to be ok. So he broke up with you. He's going to quickly realize what he lost and he'll come running back soon. But by then, you'll either have moved on or forgotten about him and only see him as a memory. God puts people in our lives for a reason or for a season. Remember that. You shouldn't be putting all of your eggs in one basket anyways." Rez then turned to look at Bri.

"And neither should you." Rez said to Bri.

Bri flipped her cornrows and said, "Oh, girl please. You know I don't love these hoes."

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