Chapter 5: The Girls and Their Abilities

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Years and years passed by before Eva Marie spoke to her father again. By the time Dr. Aggie and Eva Marie did speak again, Eva Marie was unaware that it would be one of the last conversations she would have with her father. As the years went by, so did time. Jackie's construction job relocated to Atlanta, Georgia after Hurricane Katrina took a major hit on the city of New Orleans. Mama Red and Dr. Aggie decided to stay behind, in Tremé, as Dr. Aggie had fallen ill with pneumonia a couple of months before the historical storm hit. Eva Marie vowed to always remain in contact with her mother, no matter how long it took for Dr. Aggie to come around. Especially with her beginning to start a family with Jackie.

The year was 2005 and the young couple quickly realized that they had a lot on their plate to deal with. A new move to a new city, with three young daughters; Caresse Annette aka Rez, who was 5, Marcelle Antoinette aka Toni, who was 3 and their youngest daughter, Brigette Marie aka Bri, who had just turned 1. Before leaving for Atlanta, Eva Marie had brought the girls to the hospital to meet their grandfather for the first and last time. Of course, little Bri and Toni wouldn't remember but Rez did. That was also the first and last time Eva Marie had spoken to her father since the awful fight they had when he found out she was pregnant with Rez. Eva Marie stayed in the hospital that whole night talking to her father, trying to make up for lost time. In the end, they both realized it was too late for apologies. But it was nice to hear her father finally realize that he was wrong for the way he reacted to the news of his first grandchild.

That following week, Eva Marie, Jackie and the girls were moving into their new home in Atlanta and Dr. Aggie passed away in his sleep. In Dr. Aggie's will, he left The Healing Pointe to Eva Marie, in hopes that she would continue to carry on the family legacy of practicing bonne magie and healing those that needed to be spiritually healed. Eva Marie decided to leave The Healing Pointe behind, as she started to look at Atlanta as her new home.

"New home means new beginnings!", is what Eva Marie would tell herself in the early days of living in Atlanta. She found it to be quite an adjustment settling down into the city of College Park but it wasn't long before she found herself comfortable yet, filled with worry. Mama Red was beginning to go blind and running The Healing Pointe by herself was becoming more and more of a hassle to deal with everyday. By the beginning of 2006, Eva Marie found herself flying back to Tremé just to make her mother sell The Healing Pointe and come back to Atlanta to live out her last days with her family. Of course, Mama Red put up a fight but she reluctantly gave in. She sold The Healing Pointe for a nice lump sum and within the following week, was living in Atlanta, with Eva Marie, Jackie and the girls.

Now, Eva Marie felt like she could relax for a while. With her mother closeby, she wouldn't have to worry about calling her everyday just to see if she was ok. It was tight for them, living in a 4 bedroom house but Jackie would always say, "This is just for now. Things will get better, baby."

Eva Marie never complained because she knew Jackie worked hard for her and the girls every single day. Plus, the only thing she knew was practicing bonne magie

and telling people's fortunes. She decided to leave all of that behind in Tremé for good. Eva Marie began to solely focus on raising her girls, especially her oldest daughter, Rez.

Rez had slowly but surely began to pick up some supernatural talents that Eva Marie had never seen before; she could see into the future. But just not your typical vision, Rez would foresee unfortunate events happening. Eva Marie found this unfortunate but somehow useful. She quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to put Rez into public school, like a normal child. Rez was extraordinary and although she would foresee someone passing away or misfortune happening, she never let it dim her light. Rez was a very intelligent little girl, who had a smile that would melt your heart. She grew into it really well as she got older.

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