Chapter 11: You.

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It's Michael's birthday weekend. Lady and Della were in both of their rooms, packing. Michael had texted Della, letting her know that he was leaving from his uncle's house in Decatur and would be there soon. As Lady packed her clothes, she reflected back to homecoming night when Della came back home from her date. Lady was half asleep, laying on their purple sectional and watching TV in the living room when Della walked in.

"Oooh, it smells good in here, sister. You must've gotten bored and decided to clean up," said Della, as she stood at the door, taking her heels off.

Lady popped up from the sectional and replied back, "Yeah, I got bored. Plus, I remember you talking about how you were going to clean the fridge out whenever you got around to it, so I figured I'd give you a head start."

Della laughed in response to this and said, "Well, thank you, little sister. I appreciate that." Lady smiled back. Della walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She noticed the Onzancaire was missing and she quickly asked Lady about it.

"What happened to the Onzancaire that was in here? Did you toss it out?"

Lady responded back by lying.

"Yeah, I tossed it out. Isn't that what you were saying to Kim the other day? On the phone? How you didn't even need it?"

Della smiled in response and said, "Yeah, I did say that. And that wasn't Kim, on the phone, either. Little nosy."

Lady shrugged her shoulders and said, "Kim, Chi, Tee... it was one of them you were on the phone with. You know your friends better than I do."

Della chuckled at Lady's little quip and said, "Yeah, I do. Just like you have your little friendship with Desi. But yeah, I definitely didn't need it anymore. Good looking out, little sister." Lady smiled at Della again.

"Well, I'm going to bed. I'm full and tired. See you in the morning, babygirl." stated Della, as she walked over to where Lady lay. She leaned in and kissed Lady on the cheek. Lady watched Della walk upstairs to her room and then, she laid back down on the sectional.

After the homecoming dance, Desi and Darren officially became a couple. This made Lady even more jealous and full of rage. Every time she and Desi would link up, whether if that was at school, the mall or even each other's houses... All she could talk about was Darren. Desi told Lady how Darren was such a great kisser and if they made it all the way to prom, she would let him be the one to take her virginity. Lady became sick at the thought of them having sex. She wanted to have sex with Darren, too.

That Friday, while Lady was in school, Della had texted her and told her to come straight home so she could start packing. Della had told Lady to find something nice to wear for the night, as they may be going out to eat for dinner. Della was right. When Michael arrived, they didn't go to his house at all. Instead, Michael took the both of them out to a nice seafood restaurant. Michael loved seafood and so did Della. Meanwhile, Lady was not a fan and decided to order some chicken wings while there.

After leaving the restaurant, Michael decided to head home, with Della and Lady in tow. As they entered the circular driveway, Lady's mouth dropped wide open. She had never seen a big and beautiful house like this before. Della noticed Lady's face in the rearview mirror and turned around and said, "I said the same thing, sis. His house is gorgeous, right?" Lady nodded her head in agreement, while Michael chuckled to himself and parked his Mercedes Benz truck in the garage. As Lady exited Michael's vehicle, she noticed there were two other parking spots and one was filled with a jet black Tesla.

Michael noticed Lady was looking and said, "The other empty parking space is

for Darren. I assume he may be out with Desi, probably."

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