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Year: 1950

Place: Tremé-Lafitte, New Orleans, Louisiana

"Mama, I'm hungry. When are we gonna eat?", questioned young Augustin.

As Augustin and his mother, Mama Tine Fòtin, walked the cobblestone streets of New Orleans, he could tell that he was working the last nerve his mama had by asking this question. But he wanted to make sure he held her to her word. This was day 2 or maybe 3 of them not having a decent meal to eat and Augustin's poor, young tummy felt so empty and incomplete. He knew he needed food but, he also knew to keep his mouth shut when it came to complaining. Mama Tine Fòtin was the last person you wanted to come complaining to. But then again, she was used to being the one that others came running and complaining to.

"Hush yourself, my cherie. We will eat when we make enough to eat, yes? You be a good boy and just hush and mama will be able to feed you tonight, for sure."

Mama Tine Fòtin's name was originally Celestin-Marie Laveaux-Boudreaux and she prided herself on being a descendant of the infamous Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau. While legend tells it that Marie Laveau was known for holding over the top and public voodoo rituals, she was also known for practicing bonne and noir magie or "good" and "dark magic". Just like her ancestor, Mama Tine Fòtin followed suit. She practiced noir magie only and was also known as the neighborhood fortune teller. This was how she made her money but, sometimes she would only make enough just for her and Augustin to eat. Sometimes they would have money to get a room at the local motel. Then, there were times where they would have to pitch a tent in a dark alley or in the trees, behind the playground at Louis Armstrong Park.

Young Augustin was never able to make friends and as he got older he realized why. He had an idea as a young boy because kids would always say, "Your mama is the crazy lady!" Sometimes, the kids would refer to her as "Mama Crazy Lady.", when that was the complete opposite. Mama Tine Fòtin wasn't crazy at all. She was just crazy to the ones that she cursed or punished. Even the people that she helped find love or find peace would claim her to be crazy. Because it makes sense to follow along with the crowd instead of taking up for the innocent, even when they've helped you get so far. To Augustin, his mama wasn't crazy. She was fortunate to have her gift but wasn't fortunate enough to fully profit off of it.

Augustin knew from a young age that he was gifted, as well. By the time he was

10, Mama Tine Fòtin declared him a healer, with him having the ability to simply touch someone and heal them from any ailment or sickness they were feeling. Augustin was also an amazing cook; he would create food and elixirs that would heal many people in their neighborhood. With Augustin displaying these gifts at such an early age, it became clear to Mama Tine Fòtin that Augustin's ability would be beneficial for the both of them. By the time Augustin was 17, he began to notice that Mama Tine Fòtin was coming close to her dying days. He was always thankful for his gifts because he remembered all the times he and his mother were unfortunate. Once he learned how to fully hone his gifts, he was able to financially support himself and Mama Tine Fòtin.

The next year, a month after Augustin's 18th birthday, Mama Tine Fòtin had a heart attack and was on bedrest for five days. On the sixth day, she passed away in her sleep. Augustin was never sad when she passed. In fact, he was glad. He was elated because he no longer had to practice noir magie. Augustin even went so far as to drop Laveau from his original birth name and changed it to Augustin Etienne Boudreaux. After he gave his mother a proper burial, Augustin enrolled into school and majored in Business. In 1963, Augustin graduated with Honors from Loyola University.

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