18: "The Fire"

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hi!!! a quick little thing before you read this chapter, it's gonna be A LOT. not just in words but in emotion. or something similar to that. you guys already knew this before it even came out but I just wanted to say a little thing about it. this also has those cool little song lyric thingys that I've always seen in fics but I've been too afraid to try them out myself. obviously, I'm not anymore. okay bye now. prepare yourselves.


Very early Wednesday Morning

     Simon smirked as he drove to the tallies' house. This morning was it, the morning he was going to act out his master plan. What he had been planning all along. A thousand thoughts ran through his head as he kept driving, but all of them chalked up to the same thing. Fire. That's what he was gonna do. Set the tallies' house on fire.

     He didn't necessarily have a reason to and only considered the plan before, but after the tallies decided that they were gonna tell the police about him he knew he was going to do it. Simon didn't want them to do that and thought they weren't but they just had to fuck up his plans. So, he went with his old ones.

     To him, the tallies deserved it because they told the police about the whole thing. After the tallies told them about Simon the police then proceeded to look for him. They raided his apartment, which Simon had to evacuate a bit before that because he knew they were coming. It wasn't an easy job to do. They also contacted all of his family members which he for sure didn't appreciate. His family didn't need to know at all.

     Once he finally reached the street that the tallies lived on he parked far from the house so no one would see him getting out of the car and walking to the house. Anyone who saw him would probably be suspicious of him since he was wearing a mask, a black zip-up hoodie, and carrying a suitcase filled up with the things he'd need for the job. When he parked he started to feel...a strange feeling.

     Simon couldn't really describe what it was but it felt like regret. Regret?! How could he be regretting now?! He had gone through with everything and even planned it all only for him to be scared at the last minute.

     "Goddamn it!" Simon shouted as he banged his fists on the steering wheel. "How could I do this NOW?! Why am I actually starting to feel for them? I'm not supposed to do that! Ugh, I must...stop...it!" He said as he proceeded to slap himself.

     "Ah, that always makes things better. But this time it didn't work. FUCK," Simon swore as he then screamed and started to constantly hit the steering wheel. "AAAAAA! WHY- DIDN'T- YOU- FUCKING DIE IN THAT CAR ACCIDENT WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE! AUGH! I AM SUCH A FUCKING COWARD!"

     Right now he was pouting because he actually started to feel some remorse for his actions. He couldn't have this now, not right before he was gonna do the thing that would most likely make him end up in prison! But the show had to go on so he slapped himself a few more times to try and calm himself down and then proceeded to get everything ready. He put on his mask, pulled up his hood, and put on his gloves. He got out of the car and walked to the trunk area where the suitcase was.

     The suitcase had gas cans, matches, a lock-picking kit just in case Rob changed the locks, and had a huge empty space in it for the things he was gonna take. Simon was gonna take a few things from the tallies' rooms as souvenirs since probably everything they had was gonna turn into ashes. When he got the suitcase he took a deep breath before walking to the tallies' house.

     He was actually gonna do it! This wasn't one another of his weird fantasies he'd dream of doing, no, this was real. He was gonna set their house on fire. Excitement rushed through his veins as he walked. He even started to skip while letting out little noises of joy, but this didn't last for long because he didn't wanna embarrass himself if anyone was watching. Sure what he was doing was awful but he didn't wanna look awful himself.

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