Celebration Time~

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"This better be a pile of money that's waiting for me there, for you to be dragging my ass out on a Sunday afternoon by a single command on such short notice." Koko Crunch spoke into the lure.

"Let's be honest, you are probably not doing anything important at the moment, so stop acting like you're the most important celebrity in town, so proceed to grab Inui under your arm and get your ass straight over here, this instant! And no it's not a pile of money that's waiting for you, it's something far better, more precious... you will love it, you will start crying and then you will bow before me like a peasant before its king, feeling gratitude that I showed your pitiful soul some mercy." I spoke in the most confident tone as if I could already picture it before my own eyes. Despite this guy scoffed at me while proceeding to express.

"You wish." And then disconnected the call right after, since I felt gracious, I decided to overlook his brazen attitude, turning to my guests and showing them a thumbs up, to showcase that I got this.

"Really? Is that how you're going to act?" Shinichiro asked in disbelief at what just transpired before his newly acquired eyes.

"Since you already stalked me for months to no end, you should have seen that coming."

"I guess you're right." I nodded my head feeling victorious in winning this argument.

"However I think someone needs to address the elephant in the room... were you spying on me, in your ghost form when I was naked?" He refused to say anything, causing the other three guys in the room to gasp out loud.

"Yo bro answer or I will take the silence as a confirmation of my statement."

"Maybe it happened maybe it didn't who knows." It was my turn to act surprised and then Cupid proceed to verify my theory.

"Wait, wait Cupid man, you knew he was following me around and didn't care to tell me anything?" I asked.

"Was it important? I just assumed he was like any other ghost." So Cupid could see more ghosts?

"Yo not cool man, why would you do it, Shin? Like before me?" Keisuke looked disappointed.

"Are you for real?" I asked my boyfriend because the only problem he had about this situation is not seeing me naked first, he then proceeded to give me a sheepish look in return. The only full-fledged adult in this room decided to change the topic.

"You're not planning on inviting my pals over?" I shook my head.

"Nah since I asked Mikey to wait for me at his house, I will just transfer the whole party there, wait we could make a celebration out of this, two people came back from the dead, that is something worth celebrating!" I quickly sent Keisuke, Kazutora, and Takemichi on errands for food and drinks, while I stayed behind with the other two.

"Although I agreed to this, I realized now there are a few things worth worrying about." Akane started a more heavy topic.

"What's bothering you?" I decided to hear her out after all I was the one that suggested this idea of resurrection in the first place, so I ought of taking some responsibility.

"Will I even be able to live a normal life, I mean wouldn't the documents state that I'm still dead?" I haven't thought about it like this, but it seemed like Shinichiro knew what was up.

"There is nothing to worry about, the system will alter everyone's memories and the items related to us however, people that know Michi will be able to retain their previous memories."

"Oh great, then I can create a cult in my name," I spoke out loud the first thing that came to mind, causing Shin to sight.

"What, you know I'm just joking there is no need to take my every word so seriously." I pointed out.

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