Gang Fight~

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It was the 15th of November on a Tuesday, and what did this imply? Yes, today I would gather my squad to head into a gang fight. However there was still one thing that worried me, although I spent a large sum of money on our custom order for the uniforms, I wasn't sure whether the company could hold their said promise.

Despite my worries when I returned home from school, the package was already awaiting my return, so money could indeed rush the process as much as possible.

There was still one issue tho, the package wouldn't fit on my motorcycle, meaning I either had to ask dad for a lift or I had to repackage the clothes and stuff them into a backpack. I believed the choice was clear, I could later use the box for another purpose. As temporarily holding our clothes before the fight.

"Dad, dad, can you drop me off at this one shady place?" I asked, also yes the place I chose for our battle was one I was familiar with, the train tracks which I did recall seeing inside the manga. I didn't even require to ask anyone for help to find this place, since the system's GPS is all I needed.

"Shady place?" Dad questioned as I simply explained.

"Yes you wouldn't want police to catch your daughter, would you? And it's not like we can start a fight in the middle of the town square." He nodded and once we packed the box into the car and Kazutora mounted his motorcycle we drove off to our destination. Let's say the others were perplexed that dad was supportive of the whole ordeal.

"What, he needs to know what I'm up to." I reasoned with the gang that didn't seem to be holding the same sentiment. Ran decided to use this chance to warm himself up to my father. And after a while of chatting, he told us.

"I will be going you two, remember to win this fight." I and Kazutora both were patted on the head, but then he let Senju have the same treatment, perhaps she was the only one he was familiar with here.

Once dad left I pulled out the pocket knife I brought along to have easier access to the box, and cut thru the tape carefully, so I wouldn't damage them goods.

"Listen boys, and my little ray of sunshine!" I began my speech to bring everyone closer, so I could distribute the clothes quickly and efficiently but Ran started to boo at me.

"This is what we call favoritism!" I guess he didn't like the fact that only Senju received a lovely nickname from me.

"Well I didn't force you to be born as a male, so now you need to live with the consequences of your own action!" For starters, this conversation didn't make much sense, but it caused the whiner to calm down, yet I heard him mumble something about discrimination under his nose. I rolled my eyes and continued, where I left off.

"I will now start handing out the uniforms, so gather around me, children... it's up to you to find an appropriate place to change at."

"Couldn't we have just met at a less desolate place?" Rindou questioned.

"Why did you think I asked you to arrive an hour earlier? But in case you start crying... I can give you cookies?" I didn't think the other people would start to grumble just to get a bunch of snacks but Ran decided to take another approach.

"What if I just change, right here? Right now?"

"Listen, do what you see fit, I don't plan on stopping you." I thought this would be the end of this ridiculous discussion but he had more to add.

"Are you planning to watch the show?" He asked me, winking in my direction.

"How you're shivering from the cold? Maybe? If you get sick thereafter I will make sure to laugh at your stupidity."

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