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After a tough day at school on a Tuesday afternoon, I was sitting inside my room, creating my own guest list for the Christmas party ahead, Kazutora was chilling inside my room, occupying the bed, making sure I wouldn't forget anyone.

However because he was keeping such a close eye on the paper, I decided to prank him.

"I'm thinking about excluding Keisuke, what are your thoughts about it?" Of course, I didn't mean it, just wanted to mess with my older brother who gasped so loudly, you would think I dared to speak blasphemy in his presence.

"How dare you Michi?! I thought I raised you better." I laughed, he sure wasn't my parents and it's not like he changed little Michi's diapers.

"Kazutora, that never happened." Once he realized I was only joking he relaxed his body. But suddenly decided to relay his thoughts to me.

"You know it's really strange to have been told some of my memories are indeed fake. I still vividly remember a little snotty Michi following me around."

"Can't say I know how that feels, but it was certainly a shock to find out there was a force strong enough that could mess with people's brains." For once I was questioned about my previous life in more detail, which lead to a more deep and insightful conversation between us siblings, it remained ongoing until I received an unexpected call from an unknown number.

"Should I pick it up?" Kazutora nodded his head, maybe he wasn't one to be bothered by salespeople.

"Michi, I have great news!" I could tell it was South's voice, did it mean he was phoning from a booth from the juvenile, that's why I didn't recognize the number.

"Yea what is it?" That was my simple reply.

"I will be out pretty soon, the day before Christmas Eve. At least that's what I was promised, so I was thinking... let's spend the Christmas celebration together." I was speechless for two reasons, first wasn't he supposed to remain behind the bars for at least a few more months? What about the Tenjiku timeline? He was supposed to be locked inside till they arrive there for sure. That's how they originally met.

Second, wasn't Christmas like a second Valentine's day inside Japanese borders? Was this guy really asking me out?

"Why?" Was the only word that left my mouth.

"There is no way I will be able to make any other arrangements after being released." So again he asked me because I was the only girl that kept in touch with him?

"Sorry, I have already a Christmas party arranged outside the city, you want an invitation tho?" I asked since it was Christmas and all, and it's not like he would be the only fight maniac attending the celebration.

"I'm not sure I will have the expenses for transport." He admitted.

"That, you don't need to worry about, I will have a bus ready that will pick us all up from Shibuya. I can even give you some change for the subway when picking you up the day before."

"Shit are you some super mega-rich person?" South asked but I shook my head.

"Let's call it being an irresponsible spender." But was it really? I bet any other person with a money-spending problem would have already lost their winning money. But all I ever was using it was on was occasionally food, friends, and most importantly missions.

"Wait... you will pick me up?" He asked confused.

"What, you want me to bring flowers as well?"

"Yes please do, to weird out the guard!" I facepalmed, was it all he cared about? To give the poor guy a scare or an odd experience?

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