Cheek Clapping~

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I woke up thanks to the unbearable heat and unexplained thirst, that made me feel like a fish out of the sea. I strode over to the kitchen to drink some fresh cold water, that stood in the fridge. It must have been too early to be walking around since neither mom nor grandma were on their feet. Looking at the clock I could tell it was sometime before 5 o'clock. When returning back to the room I spotted how neither of the guys were under their futons, I guess these two would be even more delighted to be back in civilization, where an air conditioner was a thing. I spotted how Keisuke was sleeping on his belly, I laid down but glancing at him caused an unexplained urge to emerge.

'Just do it Michi, don't let your dreams be dreams just do it!' Something like a pesky demon inside of me was giving me an inspirational speech to wreak havoc.

"Actually I just might," I whispered to myself and after realizing Cupid was nowhere in sight to catch me in the act I clapped those ass cheeks. Okay, it was more like patting since I was afraid of what would happen if I would get caught in the act, by the victim of my prank. Once I was satisfied I laid back down but shortly heard Keisuke's sleepy and raspy voice.

"What was that?" With quick thinking, I managed to shift the blame to someone else.

"It was the cat." He hummed a simple.

"I see." And that was the whole interaction because he went back to the dreamland. I had to hold my laugh back since this was so funny, I couldn't believe I got away with this so easily.

I too went back to sleep, and woke up approximately an hour later, only to sit there at the kitchen table and wait for breakfast because my help in breakfast preparation was also strongly denied. You couldn't win with grandma so easily it seemed.

After breakfast I was once again helping the most I could in the garden, it was rather fun. Keisuke and Kazutora that couldn't stay still came up with a game of chasing chickens, but it later ended up with chickens getting pissed and they were the ones chased in return.

Meanwhile, I was showing off my awesome art projects to grandma, which she was complimenting every chance she got. I also caught dad drinking with grandpa, was mom gonna be our driver? I have never seen her do that, but then again she hardly ever took the car by herself. I believed my parents were responsible people, so dad must have had a reason to be this relaxed while chugging some sake in the middle of the day.

Actually, I never saw him drink that much unless he had a company meeting, I assume since he was such an important character in the company no one could really pressure him to drink a lot which was good. Drunk people were difficult to deal with sometimes.

By the time we ate lunch and gathered our things and left, dad was so tipsy he fell asleep in the passenger seat, thanks to the unfairness in the system I once again had to sit in the middle. As I predicted mom was our designated driver for today. I wanted to comment on it but knew it would sound weird to the two other boys that were sitting beside me, because why wouldn't I know my mom had a driver's license?

The drive went on but 20 minutes in when Kazutora decided to nap on my shoulder Keisuke appeared like he realized something important.

"Michi." he began as I turned my head towards him.

"What?" I asked not really sure what to expect.

"That wasn't a cat." Wait did he really just remember what happened during the morning and realized there was no way that was a cat's paws touching his butt? But how was that possible? I just tilted my head to the side, wondering why he was so perceptive on the wrong occasions.

Maybe I could have played dumb until he dropped the topic altogether?

'Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious.' Was all I could hear inside my mind playing on repeat.

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