Family Outing with Kazu-chan~

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Saturday morning, I had to deal with the fact that although we planned to make today a family outing only, surprisingly Keisuke wanted to join on the fun also. I guess he missed his buddy and wanted to hang out with him, or was he keeping him in check so he wouldn't go off the rails? As I was on the call I let him know this wasn't up to me.

"That's not my decision to make, you have to ask Kazu-chan for his approval, so just come here and we can provide you with a ride." It was Kazutora's day and I would leave the important decision-making into his capable hands.

"Lemme see if my parent agrees with me." I walked downstairs, seeing how breakfast was already out on the table.

"Mom, dad Keisuke wants to go too." Since at this point they were already familiar with him they decided to permit him to tag along.

"So when will you come?" I asked as he announced he would be here shortly. When he mentioned it I wasn't expecting him to bust thru our doors before I even finished my breakfast, so I was still parading here in my pj's.

"You could have warned me, that you will arrive here at the speed of light," I said while opening the entrance.

"Oh!" How early did he wake up? Didn't he plan to sleep in, or was his mother not allowing him such luxuries?

"Have you eaten?" My mother asked, I think he must have forgotten about food in a hurry.

"Then you can join us, there's still plenty left." He seemed surprised by the invitation but joined our breakfast table nonetheless.

"Have you been friends with Kazutora for a long time?" I guess father decided to use this moment to inquire about their friendship.

"For a couple of years." dad seemed to think about something.

"As long that boy has someone to depend on, we may have adopted him but there is no certainty that he will trust us that easily, so I hope you will listen to his worries if he has any to share with you." I guess dad did have a point, since he suffered thru so much, there was no certainty he would open up his heart so easily, it would most likely take time. Keisuke nodded, but looked a tad nervous, maybe because he didn't expect my parents to be so straightforward. After breakfast since we had some time to kill, Keisuke decided to hang inside my room with Cupid. I started to prepare for the outing, making sure I had all the necessities.

"Your parents seem like nice people." I nodded fully agreeing with him.

"Totally, wouldn't trade them for anything in this world." At this point, I couldn't see them as anything but my parents. I really wanted to remain in this world for this sole reason. We talked about Kazutora hoping he would thrive in this family until mom yelled.

"Michi! Let's go." I left out some cat food to Cupid letting him know we would be out for a while. So we left and arrived just in time for his discharge.

"Baji, you're here as well?" Kazutora seemed shocked.

"Yep, this guy even wanted to join the family outing, what's your verdict on that matter?" He looked at us, probably baffled on why we would accept his friend with open hands.

"It's solely up to you." he seemed astounded to be given so much power. But he wanted Keisuke to tag along.

"Great! Let's make it into a party!" I would get everyone hyped.

"So Kazutora, are you by chance hungry, should we visit a restaurant first?" Mom was looking out for his diet right away. Yes, maybe junk food at the amusement park wasn't the best start of the day. He nodded and we let him choose whatever he wanted. I guess Keisuke's influence came thru because he wanted his yakisoba. Keisuke just laughed while saying.

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