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I was sitting inside the train trying to head back home on this somehow peaceful Sunday morning, Cupid was seated on my lap totally chilling, but at times I found myself dozing in and out, hence why the following upcoming call managed to startle me

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I was sitting inside the train trying to head back home on this somehow peaceful Sunday morning, Cupid was seated on my lap totally chilling, but at times I found myself dozing in and out, hence why the following upcoming call managed to startle me.

"Good morning?" I asked in a tired voice, hoping the person on the other end would keep it brief.

"Mikey is summoning all the captains so you better be present." My boyfriend yelled into the lure making me pull away the phone from my ear while I looked at it in disbelief.

"But we had a meeting literally yesterday, what is this about? I don't feel like going out today. I'm way too exhausted." I spoke, but despite my refusal, he kept pushing me to come.

"If you really want me to come so bad, you better walk me home afterward." After we came to an agreement, I let him know that it would take some time before I could reach the meet-up so they postponed it one hour just at my request.

Once I arrived at the Tokyo station, still dressed in my Toman uniform because that's what I was clothed in when I abruptly left the city yesterday afternoon, I bought a lunch box and left for my destination by catching a taxi. I arrived earlier than anyone else so I spared the few minutes I had for dining. As soon as Keisuke came over he was quick on entertaining my cat.

"Cupid what are you doing here?"

"He tagged along on my adventures." Was the cat's simple response, yes I translated for him. So he proceeded to take the cat on his own lap and I just used his shoulder as my personal headrest.

"Sorry I didn't know you were this sleepy, what were you even doing during the night?" He asked as I just brushed the question off for now.

"I can explain it once the meeting is over." It took a few minutes for all the people to gather, but once they did Mikey started to engage in a conversation looking somehow excited.

I heard the word being spoken, but my mind couldn't really comprehend what he was talking about due to all the exhaustion I was feeling from the bad sleep I received.

"Listen, guys, have you heard that one of our gang members was spotted in Osaka, we saw on the morning news program how they fed the tiger, that escaped the zoo's enclosure, with meat they purchased from the supermarket and guided them back to the zoo. So no authorities needed to get involved, by putting the animal down." After that everyone glanced at Kazutora, who strangely enough also was here even if this was supposed to be a captain-only meeting. So I decided to take the opportunity to close my eyes because no one was paying attention to me.

"Guys guys, even if I have a tiger kanji in my name, I'm not crazy enough to do any of this... I was at home when this happened... but I do know someone that is inside Toman that had been missing from home yesterday." I heard some throats being cleared, but not until Keisuke elbowed me did I feel the need to open my eyes, when I did I realized everyone was staring in my direction.

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