Manga Store Event~

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On Monday I dreaded going back to school, I only received one mission that day, in which I received another Agility point. All it wanted me to do was to hold Kisaki's hand, so when he was walking back home I suddenly grabbed it, he looked so cutely confused, I had this desire to tease him, but all I said was.

"Any chance I can walk you to the subway?" he withdrew his hand and sternly said.

"No, and stay away from me, don't even think about following me around." I shrugged and let him go his merry way. But then I came up with the best idea.

"Let's visit Akihabara." I ran to the subway and hopped onto the next train.

Once I was there I was admiring the small electronic shops, they sure were fascinating, but the reason I was here, was because of the manga stores. I walked to one, I have never seen a manga store so huge, presumably because it was the first time I was in Japan. I walked around aimlessly trying to find manga I would recognize, wondering if I should use some of the pocket money I got to get a manga to my nonexistent collection.

However, the joy was short-lived because I received another choice to make.

'Would you rather ask Ryohei Hayashi for his phone number or make a dramatic spectacle about hating a manga where your favorite character died?' I would choose the second option if I could do it in the safety of my own home, which was most unlikely. I would probably make a fool of myself and troubling employees of this store wasn't on my to-do list.

But who the hell was Ryohei Hayashi, this name sounded familiar but I couldn't put the name to a face.

I looked around the store, this person must have been here right? I realized how I and another guy were just the only customers inside, wasn't it Peh-yan standing over there, well I guess it would be time to toughen up and ask him for his number, but how? Then I got a splendid idea, Michi you were a genius. I looked around the store and once I found what I was looking for I walked over. He seemed really focused on the manga he was browsing, so he must have not felt my presence.

"Excuse me," I said, but got no response.

I stretched out my hand to tap his shoulder, to get his attention but saw my hand trembling as if some kind of tumor was affecting it. I used my other hand to grab it for support and finally tapped his shoulder lightly. But he just quickly turned around screaming.

"The heck you want?!" he looked ready to throw some insults I presume maybe even punches, but when he heard my trembly voice.

"Sorry for bothering you..." I was ready to excuse myself because his outburst wasn't something I was ready to deal with.

"Oh... I thought you were some guy trying to pick a fight with me." he was scratching his head in confusion.

"I just wanted to ask you for help, there is this one book I can't reach... but..." I was about to say that he could forget about it, but he screamed happily.

"Lead the way!" I nodded and walked to the bookshelf I was ogling before.

"That one, please." he handed me over the book and looked like he wanted to leave, so I pulled his sleeve to stop him.

"Oh sorry. I just wanted to ask you if you could recommend any manga to me as well... if that's not a problem." Making up this plan and getting this far was keeping me on my toes, would my plan even succeed? At first, his expression looked so lost, like he couldn't believe some girl asked for his opinion, but soon he was talking about all the manga he personally enjoyed, most were either action or sports.

I tried to keep up with his recommendations, but soon I whipped out my phone.

"Sorry I don't think I can keep up, can you send me a list in a message to my phone?" he stared and stared, to finally say.

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