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After waking up from my slumber, the first thing I partook in was sending a whole ass text to Keisuke complaining about his behavior and how if he by chance dared to run away from me once more, like yesterday I would seriously beat his sorry ass.

But my treat seemed to be futile since I was left on read once again. So I used another strategy and asked him to meet me up, so we could simply talk it out instead, yet was ignored.

"Let's give him a call instead." Once again nothing was achieved. What was the real purpose of this attitude? Did he believe that with only a few words of mine he would be swayed to rejoin Toman? Was he convinced my say had such tremendous power on him?

But screw that, I understood he wouldn't be easily persuaded, because I was aware how badly he wanted to beat Kisaki's ass. I just wanted to make sure he was carrying around the health pill I gave him at all times.

"Maybe I could visit his place." But then I remembered how usually he was avoiding coming home early, maybe I could ask his mom to join my alliance. And once he comes back earlier one of those days, she can give me a call so I can scurry over. Because showing up in the middle of the night would have been deemed strange. I knew that with this foolproof plan he couldn't possibly escape me.

I started to cackle like a villain rubbing my hands together, yes Keisuke would fall into my trap sooner or later.

I went out of bed and realized my inner dialogue gave Kazutora the chance to arrive at the breakfast table first, I was about to descend the stairs, but the fish tank caught my eye. I walked inside Tora's room and seeing all those posters of women in bikinis felt strange like usual. So I gave my fish friend my full attention and tapped on the glass while saying.

"Sunny, my dear, can you talk some sense into my big brother?" I only got some responses in form of bubbles, perhaps it wanted me to know that I was off the rails to give such a heavy responsibility to a fish that couldn't speak.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." I sighed heavily but felt something brush against my legs. Cupid looked up while meowing. Causing me to swoop him off the floor.

"Yeah, I don't feel that good." I guess taking my mind off the things didn't make it any better or easier for me.

I walked to the kitchen while holding my cat, after taking a seat, I felt my dad patting my head gently.

"Michi, you seem worse by the day, how about taking a day off school?" I guess following thru with his suggestion was for the best, I could engage in building that contraption, letting the creative progress go.

"Sure, let's do that." After we ate breakfast and I bid goodbye to both dad and big brother, it was time for putting my hands to use. When I was building my booth mom came over from time to time to engage in some conversation.

"So what is this for exactly Michi?" She asked after cutting up some fruits for the both of us.

"The system gave me a mission to build a kissing booth, and use it during the festival," I explained quickly.

"Does it involve actually exchanging kisses for money?" She questioned as I nodded my head.

"What can I do, it's better to go that route than beating up some kids in my class, right?" Mom seemed to have agreed.

"I hope Souya, that boy will participate then."

"Mom!" She just laughed at my reaction. We chatted some more, but she wasn't amused when I explained how the other kids were treating me in school.

After I finished my project, like building and decorating the booth and sewing a white eyepatch decorated with some lace, I went out for a walk to get some fresh air. Yet for some reason, the system indicated that I needed to carry with me a bunch of hair accessories.

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