School Intruder~

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On Wednesday I was confident in finding the courage to at least apologize to Kisaki for hitting him, however, when I spotted him glaring at me as soon my foot stepped inside the classroom, I changed my mind immediately. I avoided any possible eye contact thereafter and didn't even bother to exchange our usual greetings.

When lunch break began I stormed off with my food, to spend some quality time with the twins, Senju tagging along. It felt good to have more people paying attention to me in this school.

"But then again maybe I should be the bigger person in this situation," I muttered to myself while shoving a large portion of food into my mouth.

"What are you even babbling about?" Nahoya must have not appreciated me mumbling to myself, not letting him on the details of some juicy drama that was taking place in my life.

"She had a fight with her classmate," Senju explained in easy terms, also yes I didn't share the full story with her either, but I had a good reason behind it. Because if her tongue slipped in her hubby's presence, guess who in turn he would then deliver the news to? I didn't want to witness Keisuke storming in here, using his fists to solve my problems with Kisaki. Sure I was stuck in the gang manga, but violence always created more violence. So at least I tried to refrain from using it as much as possible.

"So what was the fight about?" Nahoya inquired as I clenched my left fist in anger just recalling the reason for it.

"He acted like a manipulative prick, so I kicked him in the shin." Nahoya just found it extremely funny, claiming Toman was raising me right. Him making fun of the situation, put my mind a little more at ease. But I sure didn't expect a mission to pop up now.

'Would you rather ask people sitting at this table if they want to try your cooking or admit the full reason why you fought with Kisaki?' Oh no, Smiley looked like a gossip gurl for sure, I bet he would take pleasure in creating more drama in my so-called harem. I could even see him giving me a lecture on how much better his brother would treat me so I should consider giving him a chance.

"Today I prepared this marvelous bento with my own two hands, pouring so much love in it, would any of you like to bask in its glory?" Which only got a confused.

"What?" From Nahoya.

"She is asking if you want to try it." Senju translated.

"I want to try," Souya admitted beaming like the sunshine he was.

"Are you already partaking in housewife lessons?" I had no clue where Smiley got this idea from.

"Are you asking, because you volunteer to be the husband that will earn money for the both of us?" He managed to choke on his food hearing my question, causing me to laugh at his expense.

Once the classes ended I returned to the club room, it became a routine to use all my free time to hone my guitar skills.

And thankfully this space had a sofa, which I used for my practice instead of the kind of uncomfortable chairs. Somehow tiredness caught up to me, so I decided to put my instrument to the side, realizing a 30-minute nap wouldn't hurt. I even set up an alarm clock in case I overslept.

I wasn't sure how much time passed by, but when I awoke I heard someone talking, but refused to open my heavy eyelids.

"What do you mean you feel conflicted about your feelings? I thought you were supposed to be smart?" I heard someone laugh, recognizing the voice instantly.

"I knew I shouldn't have shared my thought with a dumb ass like yourself." Another person I was rather familiar with, but I couldn't shake this strange feeling away that something wasn't right.

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