Waka Waka Confession~

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On Friday the results from our exams were out, and there was a board in place to inform us how the whole school performed. That was a strange concept to grasp, I remember always feeling bad about my performance in school when I was conscious about someone performing better than me. With low self-esteem, this seemed just like a punch to the gut, was the competition between students really so beneficial to the school? I hardly cared, I had been thru school already and knew that school only tasted my ability to memorize, then again why would I even care about exam results when so much else was happening in my current life? If I just had 90% on everything to get my stats and annoy Kisaki to the brim that was enough to me, also didn't I technically cheat? Or was the system like a part of me so it didn't matter that much? Nah, I didn't feel any guilt whatsoever so there was no need for speculation. I looked back at the board, searching my name around the top 20 mark. But then I spotted Kisaki looking at something mortified. I guided my sight to the spot he was glancing at, and found my name in the second place, right under Kisaki's.

Wait a moment, if he was so smart why not popular? Like, weren't the smart students usually well-liked in shoujo manga? I guess Kisaki ended up in the wrong genre or maybe everything went down to his awful personality? Maidless behavior.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I hope you're prepared to go on a date with me on Monday~" He didn't mention anything about him being busy, perhaps he wanted to get it over with as fast as possible.

"Does 11 o'clock sound good?" he sighed and agreed to it.

"Great, I will come to pick you up." I didn't tease him, per our previous agreement, and decided to schedule it on Monday because the deal would be off and that was the first day of our summer break. Japanese schools were awful, vacation started but they gave us an endless amount of homework.

"Maybe I should schedule a hangout where we are keeping each other in check to finish our homework." If I didn't do it now, I would procrastinate this assignment till the end of the vacation. Who would I ask then, maybe Senju that was one class above mine? Or Chifuyu that possibly would be more responsible? Somehow I could imagine him dragging Keisuke along and him not being able to sit still would come up with another activity, because summer is long. Should I ask Kisaki instead? Or maybe Kakucho?

After school, I was on my way to the training session yet again, but halfway thru I received a mission.

'Would you rather confess your love for Wakasa Imaushi or Keizo Arashi?' Was this some kind of joke? Why would I even confess to either of them, when I was technically a minor us being 12 years apart?

"This system is messing with me yet again." but then I saw a candy store and the greatest idea marinated in my head. I went to buy some lollipops, because who said I needed to be serious in my confession? I bought 8 at once and put them between my fingers.

"Perfect," I said, clicking on the first option. I made my way to the gym, opened the door, and made my way to Wakasa which was sitting waiting for my arrival.

"Why do I have a feeling you are about to say something stupid?" I ignored his very good perception skills and kneeled before him and crossed my arms, showing off the lollipops that I was holding onto. I caught the attention of the people nearby, but I noticed how Wakasa sent a signal to Senju for emotional backup, but she dismissed it wanting to know what I was about to do next.

"Wakasa, you're the prettiest woman I ever laid my eyes on, please be my girlfriend." Suddenly the notification pinged letting me know I got the single stat. Wakasa just snatched all my lollipops while saying.

"Put your muscles into work, rather than wasting your brainpower onto the weirdest of pranks." I was picked up and thrown into the changing room, once I came out Takeomi arrived.

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