Ran's Son~

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I felt the sensation of being shaken awake by someone, but I tried to dismiss it

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I felt the sensation of being shaken awake by someone, but I tried to dismiss it. Being so tired I simply said something along the lines.

"Only five more minutes." I tried to curl into a ball and try to retrieve the blanket back. Yet the person was persistent, only doubling the effort to wake me up. Annoyed I opened my heavy eyelids, rubbing my eyes to be able to focus better on the person who was basically demanding my attention. I met with Mikey's confused gaze, in fact, he looked quite frightened, my instincts were to pull him into a hug.

"Michi... what happened?" As I was processing the questions in my head while stroking his back for assurance, suddenly he spewed more questions all at once.

"Why are we here, where is this? And why the hell I am only in my boxers... Who is the guy sleeping next to you? But the most important question is, why are you wearing his shirt?" My brain was overheating, caused by the lack of sleep, I probably didn't register half of the words he said. I held my head trying to make out which question to reply to first, but that's when something hit me.

"Wait... you can't recall anything from the day before?" I witnessed him shaking his head.

"Last thing I remember, is us two being at the park." So he neither remembered being turned into a toddler nor being one. A smile spread on my face, thankfully I didn't need to explain the system situation to him, just had to make some excuse on the matter. But before I could start theorizing which excuse would work the best in this case I heard Mikey gasping while asking.

"Wait... did we... with that guy?" I bet my brain was lagging like 98 Windows because I couldn't for the love of god figure out what he was implying. Thankfully this annoying guy was awake so I could turn that question to him.

"Do you know what he is on about?" Ran just smirked and was shameless enough to voice it.

"He is asking if we had a threesome." I felt myself becoming a loading screen. It felt like the two teenagers were waiting to receive an answer from me.

"Heck no!" Ran just laughed.

"So what really happened?" Mikey questioned once more, in a panic I pointed at Ran while announcing.

"It's his fault!" He didn't dismiss it just rose his brow, probably wondering what kind of excuse I wanted to pursue.

"This menace offered you a drink, and you got drunk with just one shot!" Mikey nodded his head, I could tell he wasn't believing me fully.

"But why bring me here?" Good question, what else could I come up with?

"Um... I didn't want Emma and Draken to kill me for letting it happen, so I threatened this guy to let us stay at his place instead." Ran just nodded, it seemed like my story made a least some sense, and thankfully he didn't try to jeopardize my cover.

"You were calling me dad." I couldn't believe Ran did that. Mikey just looked at him wide-eyed and asked me whether he was speaking the truth. I could tell Ran wouldn't let me live if I didn't compromise with him, but hey he was called at least "Baba" by baby Mikey.

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