chapter 21

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When they got inside the elevator to Jeno's apartment he turned towards Hyewon. "My mom can be very embarrassing at times" he warned. Hyewon laughed at his words finding him adorable for worrying about his mother embarrassing him. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" Hyewon assured him. But Jeno didn't seem so sure about it though. This was the first time he had ever brought home a girl. It's not like he didn't get girls - cause he got loads of them. It's just that none of them felt special enough to bring home. He had never been much of a relationship guy. He usually hooked up with some girl at a party, just for her to approach him the following day in school or massaged him in hopes of becoming something more. But Jeno always turned them down. His mom always wondered about the girls in school and if he had a girlfriend but Jeno always said he wasn't interested in a relationship and was focusing in school.

Jeno took a deep breath before unlocking the door. He slowly opened it and turned towards Hyewon who was smiling like and idiot. He gently pushed her inside before locking the door behind him. As the gentleman he is, he took Hyewon's jacket and put it on a hanger as the girl took her shoes of. She trailed behind the male into the apartment. The walls were filled with pictures of the boy when he was younger. Pictures of him after a game, pictures with friends and pictures of him with his parents. When they got further into the apartment Hyewon felt a lump in her stomach. She wanted her apartment to be like this; cozy and decorated. Not simple and boring. This was a home unlike her apartment which was just a building with furniture. No pictures of her nor her family. She wasn't sure if they even had any. Sometimes she missed the time when they didn't have to move so much. When she had many friends and a happy family.

Brought back from her thoughts, Hyewon noticed that Jeno had ended up ahead and quickened her pace to catch up. From the kitchen she could hear Jeno's mother talking to his father. Unknowingly, she intertwined her fingers with Jeno's. The male was caught off guard by the sudden action but tried to play it off. He lead her to the kitchen where introduced Hyewon to his mother. "So this is the girl you've been talking so much about" she smiled at Hyewon. Hyewon looked over at Jeno who was hiding his face in his hands. His mother shook her head at her sons reaction. "He gets embarrassed too easily" she whispered. Hyewon giggled at her statement before getting dragged away by Jeno. "I'll call when the food is ready" his mother yelled from the kitchen.

The inside of Jeno's room surprised Hyewon. She didn't know why but he expected the boy to be kind of messy but in fact his rooms was quite tidy. "My mom cleaned my room when she heard that you where coming" he admitted. The girl smiled knowing her suspicions were right.

Hyewon noticed something on one of the shelf's and went over to inspect it further. It was a picture of her and Ahyoung laughing. Looking at the picture she recalled the memory. The two girls where laughing at Haechan who lost a bet and had to film himself dancing to Gangnam style. Hyewon's eyes scanned the shelf focusing on each and everyone of the pictures. Most of them were on the dream members but there was also a few of Ahyoung and some guy Hyewon didn't recognize. "Who's that?" she asked pointing at the male in the picture. Jeno looked up from his phone and stood up to walk over to Hyewon. His eyes fell on the picture i front of him."Oh that's Mark" he answered. Hyewon had only heard about Mark but she never knew what he looked like.

Just when Hyewon was about to ask more about Mark a voice was heard from the kitchen; "Food is ready!"

Just when Hyewon was about to ask more about Mark a voice was heard from the kitchen; "Food is ready!"

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