chapter 2

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The pair linked armes and started walking. Hyewon was beyond exited. She usually wasn't very good at making new friends since she was quite shy around new people.

The two girls laughed nonstop as they walked around campus. Ahyoung showed Hyewon her home classroom, the soccer field, the sport center, the library and of course the cafeteria. After the tour they picked up Hyewon's books at the library. When they once again arrived at Hyewon's locker the bell rang signaling that lunch has started.

"Hey Hyewon" Ahyoung started. Hyewon stopped putting her books in her locker and looked up at the girl. "Why don't you come sit with us during lunch?". Hyewon's face lit up at Ahyoung's suggesting . Ahyoung found her reaction cute. "I would love to Ahyoung" Hyewon smiled. "Great, see you then!" Ahyoung said before disappearing in the flood of students.

Hyewon put the last book in her locker before closing it and making her way towards the toilets. Hyewon looked herself in the mirror and decided that she would give herself a quick pep talk before heading to the cafeteria. "You've been here for less than 3 hour and you already have a friend", "I'm so proud of you for putting up with this". She smiled at her reflection before taking her books. She looked at the clock. 11:43. "Shit" she mumbled to herself. Ahyoung is probably waiting for me right now. She started running while trying to recall where the cafeteria was located. While doing so she accidentally ran in to someone. She fell to the ground and so did all the stuff she was carrying. Hyewon quickly grabbed her stuff and stood up. When she looked up she saw a tall male standing in front of her. Hyewon immediately started to apologize for bumping into him. But the male just stared at her. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and-" Hyewon started. "I could tell" the male cut her of. "Next time watch where you're going loser". He shifted his gaze from Hyewon to the direction he was originally going in. As the male walked past her he purposely bumped his shoulder into Hyewon causing her to lose her balance. She quickly redeemed it and looked back glaring at the male. "What a douchebag" she muttered. She lightly dusted off her uniform and started walking towards the cafeteria.

When she got inside she saw Ahyoung waving at her. She instantly went over to the table. Ahyoung moved over so that there was space for Hyewon next to her. Other than Ahyoung, there were 5 boys sitting at the table. Hyewon recognized one of the from earlier that day. He seemed to be recognizing her as well. He smiled at Hyewon before introducing himself. "Hi, my name in Zhong Chenle. We're in the same class." Hyewon nodded before turning towards the male sitting on the other side of Ahyoung. "Hello, I'm Na Jaemin. I see you've already met Ahyoung, I hope she wasn't too annoying" he laughed as Ahyoung playfully hit his shoulder. Hyewon looked at the two with a confused look on her face. "Jaemin and I are a couple" Ahyoung explained. Hyewon gave her a nod as she looked towards the male sitting beside her. "Hello, my name is Haechan" the male introduced himself. "And this is Renjun" He explained gesturing to the male beside him.The last person at the table introduced himself as Jisung.When everyone at the table had introduced themselves it was Hyewon's turn. "Hi, I'm Song Hyewon" she flashed a quick smile before continuing. "I moved here from Daegu and i hope that we'll get along well"

Afterwards Hyewon turned towards Ahyoung and noticed that her and Jaemin were waving towards someone. Hyewon couldn't really tell who it was but she guessed it was one of their friends. That's when a tall male appeared in the crowds. As he got closer Hyewon could see who it was. She quickly lowered her head as Renjun scooted closer to Jisung so that the male could have somewhere to sit
"Why, Why? Why" Hyewon thought for herself as the male sat down between Renjun and Haechan.

 She quickly lowered her head as Renjun scooted closer to Jisung so that the male could have somewhere to sit"Why, Why? Why" Hyewon thought for herself as the male sat down between Renjun and Haechan

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