chapter 14

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Hyewon sank down next to Jeno in the sofa. But Jeno was too busy to choosing a movie to notice her. Hyewon had prepared chips and coke for them to snack on. "How about this one" he turned towards Hyewon. Crap. It was a horror movie. Hyewon hated horror movies. She tried not to show the pear on her face as she turned towards Jeno. The male probably saw the expression on Hyewon's face as he quickly said:
"Or maybe not". "No no no" Hyewon insisted. "Let's watch it!". She immediately regretted her decision choosing the movie. Five minutes in and she was already startled. Jeno seemed to notice as he put his arm around Hyewon. When he did that Hyewon felt somewhat relieved. It was nice for her to know that Jeno was there with her. Without her noticing she moved closer and closer to Jeno until she hit his torso. Hyewon froze. Jeno didn't seem to mind tough, as he just kept watching the movie.

When the movie finished Hyewon could finally breath out. Jeno could feel Hyewon's tense body slowly relaxing. She was exhausted from tensing her whole body for a hour and a half. In a matter of seconds she fell asleep in his lap. Jeno looked down at the sleeping girl and slowly admired her features. His eyes quickly fell on her lips. They were perfectly shaped into a heart. But most of all very kissable. As he stared at the delicate girl sleeping in his lap he started to think. Why had he acted like that towards her? Guilt immediately hit him but he tried to push the thoughts away.

He carefully lifted up the sleeping girl and carried her to her room. He gently placed her on the bed and tucked her in. She looked so vulnerable in that moment. Jeno felt his heart break as he once again thought of how he treated her before. It didn't last long until the guilt slowly turned into anger as the thought of how Garam treats Hyewon in school. Hyewon still thinks that Jeno isn't aware of how Garam treats her. She doesn't want him to know because she doesn't want him to worry for her.  Jeno sat on Hyewon's bed for a while watching her sleep. Every second that passed he fell harder for her.

When Jeno was done cleaning up in the kitchen and in the living room he fell asleep on the couch. To be honest it wasn't the most comfortable but it worked. With Hyewon on his mind he soundly fell asleep. Unfortunately it didn't last long and he soon got woken up.

"Jeno??" a shaky voice whispered. His eyes shot up at the voice and he turned towards the direction of the voice. Infront of him sat an anxious Hyewon. He immediately sat up so that he was face to face with the girl. She was shaking and breathing rapidly. "Hyewon what's wrong?" he asked. Hyewon lowered her head and shook it. Jeno gently cupped her head and tilted it up so that their eyes met. A tear escaped from her eye and she opened her mouth to speak. "I'm too scared to sleep" she sobbed. Jeno pulled her into his arm as he comforted her.
"Is it because of the movie?" he asked. Hyewon slowly nodded her head as Jeno gently stoke her back. She hid her head in his chest before he spoke again. "Can you sleep better if I'm by your side?" he asked her. Hyewon slowly nodded as she turned her head to look at Jeno. Jeno took her hand, it was cold. The two walked towards the bedroom and Hyewon crawled into bed. Jeno sat down next to her. There was a slight tension between to two as Jeno played with Hyewon's hand. Hyewon only focused on his face. His perfect proportions and flawless features made him look unreal. Jeno shifted his gaze towards Hyewon meeting her eyes. Hyewon didn't break the eye contact and instead stared deep into his eyes.

"Jeno can you sleep next to me?" She was startled by herself but tried to play it cool. She could see a smile forming on Jeno's lips. "If you want" he smiled. Hyewon couldn't do anything but nod. She felt her body tense as she watched the male slide in next to her. "Goodnight Hyewon" he yawned. Just when Jeno was about to reach dreamland he felt Hyewon slowly closing in on him. He gently placed his arm around her and he could feel that she was really tense. "Don't worry, he started. The monsters won't come as long as I'm here" he assured the girl. Hyewon softened at his statement. It felt nice knowing he was there for her. She slowly cuddled closer to Jeno. Not long after, he could her tiny snores escaping for her mouth. "Goodnight angel" he whispered.

 "Goodnight angel" he whispered

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