Chapter Nine

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Sera was pacing her bedroom floor, pondering on the fresh information given to her just moments before. Kalem had come into her chambers and prepared her for one of the biggest events in her life. On the following night there was to be a royal family dinner with herself included, as well as her father's mother and Queen Regina. Along with the family, the Grand Counsel was also going to attend the small affair. Sera had never once met her grandmother and had only seen Regina once on a fateful night when she was still a child. 

Flashbacks of the ball Sera had attended when she and Zander first came back to the castle after a five-year absence flooded her mind. There was a grand party to celebrate the return of the king and prince back in Nautica. Jovan wanted the whole world to know that his children were both equal in his eyes and he had Sera attend the festivities as proof of his love for his children. 

A young and naïve Zander was so excited to show off his baby sister to his mother that he hadn't taken into account how his mother may react to the forbidden child of her husband's extra-marital affair. In front of the whole party, Regina struck a young Sera across the face, forcing the guards to quickly carry Sera to safety and to rarely be seen in public again.

Sera sighed thinking back on that day. She was unsure if she could ever have Regina accept her, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to go try and have Regina accept her. What she did know, however, was that her nerves were jumping out of her skin just thinking about the idea of having dinner with the most important people in all of the country!

"Would you sit down? It's not going to be that bad!" Laney insisted, patting the empty seat next to her on the sofa.

Sera sat down next to her.

"That's easy for you to say. You were born with legality on your side and Regina actually favors you." She hadn't meant for her tone to be bitter, and she regretted it when she saw Laney's face drop. 

"What I mean to say is, you have so much more experience than I have dealing with nobles such as the Grand Counsel and being in the same room as Regina that I just don't think I have the same kind of confidence that you have when being in front of them all."

Laney gave a smile and patted Sera's hand.

"You'll be fine. Besides, after I renounced my title I can hardly say that I have much legality when it comes to the royal system. I'm fine with my brother handling everything and I'm happy that I am now free to be who I want to be without the fear of being married off for the benefit of our political system.

"Anyways, I know that it may seem intimidating at first but most of them are not so bad. Most of the Grand Counsel are nice people. As for Regina, I have an understanding of her situation, but yet I don't sympathize with her, if that makes sense. Also, it sort of helps being her ward for a large chunk of my life."

While she appreciated the viewpoint of Laney, Sera knew that even though Laney was no longer considered a noble she was still going to receive the same respect as one due to what was in her veins. Just like how Sera knew that people were always going to give her the side-eye because of what she lacked in her own veins. 

Jelena, who was laying on the sofa across from them, perked up a bit and looked at Sera.

"Just remember that no matter how the ball rolls, you will always have us here to watch your back. Even if the Grand Council decides to not sign off on you joining the succession, if anyone were to try and force you out of your home you can always come to Kai with me." 

"But that is an absolute worst case scenario. There's really no reason for the Grand Counsel to not approve of you." Laney quickly interjected, giving Jelena a stern gleam. 

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