Chapter Thirteen

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Sera never had the typical experiences that a child would have in a traditional school house but when she started receiving small notes at her door and responding to them she felt as though she were a student trying to not get caught by her teacher. Leena being that teacher.

A knock came for the fifth time that day with another note in hand from one of the guards on the behalf of the taboo prince of Demarcus. Most contained similar messages. How was her day going so far, what were her plans for the day, and if she wanted to make any plans with him. The newest one was asking for a tour of Nautica.

She sheepishly walked up to a Leena with doe-like eyes.

Leena sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Care to share something with me? You haven't told me anything about these mysterious messages you've been getting."

"I was just wondering..." Sera shuffled her feet. "Could you maybe..."

Leena rolled her eyes again.

"Oh honestly, Serafina. You are nearly a full adult. If you keep asking for permission to do something like a small child you will told 'no' more than 'yes.'"

"Can I take Elek on a tour of Nautica?" She rushed out.

"Elek?" Leena's right eyebrow rose to question Sera.

"Yeah, Prince Elek of Demarcus."

"I know who you are talking about. Why the informalities? And why would you want to take him on a tour of the city?"

Sera gave a sheepish smile.

"I think we are going to be good friends and I would like to share why our kingdom is so amazing."

"So you want to impress him." If Leena's eyebrow could raise any higher it would have hit the ceiling.

Sera pointed her two index fingers towards each other.

"Maybe. Can you set it up?"

Leena sighed and started making her way towards the door.

"Let me go ask Zander and your father and see what I can manage." With that she walked out of the room.

Laney, ever eavesdropping when something interesting was happening, came up from behind and made Sera jump.

"I thought that Zander told you to not be so friendly with the Demarian prince."

"That may be so but who was the one that he shared the most dances with last night?"

Laney gave a small chuckle.

"I heard a rumor that Princess Celina is a very strong contender. It's weird to think about considering how many people were rejected by her father to marry her. I wonder what is being offered with her if Zander were to choose her." 

Jelena slumped down on the sofa to join in.

"I heard a similar rumor. He only danced with Nerida once. Although a little disappointed, Mother isn't bitter about it. The alliance between Kai and Regnum is as strong as ever so she's not too worried about it."

"I heard some juicy gossip myself." Eileen called from the desk where she was reading from. "The Queen Mother has a private meeting with King Marek today. It is being said that she is really pushing to add the Draconis line to the Gavriil one."

"Well with the connection that Zander and Celina were having last night I would say that she is probably going to get her wish." Laney stated.

Jelena gave a giggle.

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