Chapter Eleven

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"Wake up Sera! You need to eat really quickly and then get ready. And then I need to get ready!" Laney's shook Sera to the point that could have been considered assault.

She didn't even have a chance to stand, a tray was put before her with juice and a plate of food. Leena stared at her as she ate, as if using telepathy to tell her to eat faster. As soon as the last bite was in her mouth, not swallowed just in her mouth, she was pulled out of bed and forced into a light silky gown that reached her ankles. It was pale blue with short sleeves and complimented her eyes. Shortly after the dress was all laced up she was pushed into her chair by the vanity and had one side of her hair pinned back with a flower pin with a sapphire in the middle and the rest of her hair flowing around her. 

Without even a second to breathe, she was soon in the entrance hall where the others were waiting to greet their guests. Her father was the first to greet her, gave her a quick hug and kiss and told her she looked beautiful. He was in a royal blue dress jacket with a white shirt under a waist coat the same color as his jacket. His beard was trimmed and groomed with his hair neatly pushed back.

Zander was the second to greet her, wearing clothes that could be deemed more on the more casual side. He wore a long sleeve, button up shirt, that left the top two buttons unfastened, and black slacks.

"Am I over dressed?" Sera whispered to him as they walked towards the door.

He looked a little off guard by her question and looked himself over.

"Oh, I just figured if I'm trying to attract a wonderful new bride then I should look like an attractive piece of meat or sweet, whichever they prefer." He laughed off.

"I suppose that makes sense." Sera contemplated out loud.

Regina stepped in front of them to look them over. She was in a fuller gown than Sera, but still lighter than a ball gown. It was a short sleeved, silky ocean colored, dress with matching gloves. She was always so elegant, Sera thought to herself.

"Serafina you look lovely." Regina complimented. Then her eyes strayed to Zander's chosen outfit. "You, however, look as though you're actively trying to attract a girl."

Zander gave a small chuckle.

"That's sort of the point, Mother."

Regina rolled her eyes at him.

"You look like you're trying too hard and women want more than eye-candy. Just something to think about. I hope your outfit for tonight is more appropriate."

He chuckled at her response.

"I promise that Taylor did not stray from the guidelines that you gave her. I'm sure you'll find it more than acceptable."

Dea stayed quiet by the door, keeping to her word of not speaking to her son or grandson. She was dressed in a long, heavy, dress with a high collar. It was a dark shade of red and looked as though it would be too hot to wear for the nice spring day, but who was Sera to bring up that thought?

Jovan looked at all of them, pride in his eyes of how his vision was coming to fruition. He raised his arms to address his wife and children.

"This is a big day and will go into an even bigger night. I want to thank you all for your patience throughout this process. If all goes well we will be the family that I have hoped to be, plus one extra person. Also," he motioned to hold Regina's hand in comfort, "I am happy to say that Regina and I are on the same page for what we want for this family and what we want for the both of you. I think things are finally going the way that they were always supposed to."

Jovan's eyes brimmed slightly, but then the water was sucked right back in when they all heard a snort from the door. Dea was annoyed and at that point didn't mind on who knew it.

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