Chapter Five

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She could feel herself floating in a void of darkness. The pain from her wound had faded away. Her body was neither cold nor warm.

'Is this a form of Limbo?' Sera thought to herself. 

Quickly learning that opening her eyes was in vain, she allowed herself to continue floating with thoughts swirling in her mind.

'Am I really dead?'

'Will Father and Zander miss me?'

'How long am I going to float here?'

'There has to be another being in this abyss somewhere.'

Sera floated more, not knowing if it were up or down or if she were moving at all. Then she spotted it. Far beneath her was a pinhole amount of light poking through the sheet of black. Slowly it grew in size and became closer with each passing second. Before she knew it, the light was engulfing her body and she became warm again. 

There wasn't a thud or any other indicator that she was laying on the ground until soft emerald blades were tickling her exposed skin. The rays of the sun were welcoming after the void had left her numb. 

Slowly Sera moved her head to try and have a better understanding of where she landed. A soft breeze carrying the saltiness of the sea graced her face as heard the crashing of shallow waves. Slowly rising, taking a mental note that she still felt no pain, in fact she was quite comfortable.

In the distance she could see the source of the salty aroma, as the waves of the sea clashed with the sand. It all brought her peace. She scanned the area some more only to spot a small cottage in the distance with a young woman outside standing out looking at the water.  Curiosity washing away all other thoughts, she slowly made her way towards the figure in the distance and the small house. 

The closer she got the more she felt familiar with her surroundings, which was odd as she knew that she had never been to a place like this before. Just something about it made her feel like she was home. Then there was the woman standing before on the cliff beside the cottage.

Her flowing auburn hair swayed gently in the breeze. Her posture was poised and carried an element of grace and elegance with it. Sera stood perfectly still in awe at the woman's presence. Then the woman turned towards Sera and Sera felt as though lightening had struck her at her core. 

Emerald met emerald and Sera found herself unable to move or face away from the stranger in front of her. The stranger who she was sure she had never met in her life and at the same time felt as if she had known her all along. Then she felt her eyes begin to brim with unexpected tears. Her heart tightened and her mind raced to figure out why she was reacting the way that she was.

The woman's mouth spread into a beautiful smile that reached her eyes. Finally she spoke. 

"I know that the circumstances aren't great but I'm so happy I get to see you, my Serafina." Her voice was like silk and rang in Sera's ears. She knew in her heart that she had heard that voice before, from a memory that she couldn't fully recall.

"I know you." Sera whispered, "How?"

The stranger's smile widened further. "Yes, you do know me. You spent nearly nine months with me but we didn't get the chance to meet. You grew up to look just how I imagined you would. You are beautiful. I look in on you from time to time but it takes a lot of energy to do it."

An epiphany rained down on Sera and a realization came to her like an axe to a log. "Mom."

Diana reached down and held Sera's hands and nodded. "That's right dear and I'm so happy to finally meet you."

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