Chapter Twenty-One

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 It had been two weeks since her father and brother had left for the tour around the country with Princess Celina. There was a large celebration and extravagant farewell show of fireworks the night before they had left. Since then Sera followed Regina around like a lost puppy taking notes and meeting with all of the merchants who would supply everything for the wedding.

They sat in Regina's private office as they met with Mrs. Terezia for flower arrangements. There were many different types and colors of flowers before them to choose from, as well as a few vases to try out many different arrangements.

"Do you think you can import any flowers from Demarcus, Mrs. Terezia?" Regina asked the older woman.

"I believe that is possible. They have this lovely white desert flower that comes to mind. It has pointed petals and comes in the colors of white, yellow, and red. Would you like for me to bring you something with the white ones?"

Regina nodded.

"Yes please. I feel as though we should incorporate some aspects of Princess Celina's home country and have them mix with our own white lilies from here. Mix those in with some roses and I think we will have some stunning centerpieces for the tables."

"Of course, Your Majesty. I will work on this immediately and have the arrangements ready for you to see by the end of the week."

"And that's why I always come to you. You are always so efficient." Regina complimented and then she turned towards Sera. "What are your thoughts Serafina? Do you think that there is anything that we could add to the floral decorations?"

Sera looked at all of the plants around them and spoke with as much thought that she could muster.

"I love all of these white flowers but I do think that there should be some contrast in color. Where our flag has a lot of blue in it and theirs has more red could they be incorporated into some of the arrangements?"

Regina smiled at her answer.

"I see what you are saying about adding some color. Sometimes only white can be boring. I think that we can figure something out and if not for the centerpieces then for the string of flowers for the benches. Good job Serafina."

Sera gave a smile, grateful for Regina's new sense of warmth towards her. The interaction seemed to have given even Mrs. Terezia a change of heart towards her and gave her a small smile before speaking.

"That's a nice vision you have, Princess. I will get to work and come up with the final arrangements." She stood and curtsied. "I will meet with you by the end of the week."

Just as Mrs. Terezia closed the door it burst back open with a familiar figure coming through it. Regina and Sera immediately stood as Dea came through the door and stood before them.

"Dea, this is unexpected. I thought you weren't supposed to be here until a couple of days before the wedding." Regina said with pose rather than surprise.

Dea gave a smirk.

"Oh I just couldn't wait to see my grandson get married and thought that I would help with the planning."

Regina gave a small smile towards the older woman.

"I'm afraid that there isn't much to do for planning. Serafina has been a great help to me and we have been able to get everything done. That meeting was one of our last ones before the big day."

"Oh please," Dea waved her hand dismissing Regina's words, "you can't rely on such a thing to help you make these decisions. Now let me review everything you have planned."

Regina stood her ground.

"I can assure you that Serafina has been a help and she will be planning some of the smaller parties by herself soon. Maybe you should take a little more pride in your granddaughter, you may be surprised by her."

Sera's heart warmed from Regina's words. They were more than what she could hope for but the words were quickly squashed by Dea's.

"I only have one grandchild and this little misfortune will be on her way out the door soon enough. You should honestly be the most grateful to me, Regina. This little mistake won't be pushed on you anymore and very soon."

Regina gave a sigh.

"Why don't you go and rest from your trip Dea? I'm sure it was a long journey and you seem a bit irritated by it and taking it out on a child who doesn't deserve it."

"I'll go and rest for a bit but I expect to see you later on today Regina."

Dea left the room with the door open, almost like a child trying to hold on to their last bit of a tantrum.

Regina motioned for Sera to sit back down as she did the same.

"I'm sorry for the way that she is. I'm still not sure why she behaves the way that she does."

Sera didn't like the feeling of Regina apologizing for something that wasn't her fault.

"The way she views me has nothing to do with you, Your Majesty. I know that there will be some people that I just won't be able to impress and she's one of them. I also know that I have some very important people in my life that actually care."

Regina gave a soft smile.

"It's okay to call me Regina and I understand what you are saying. But even if you don't like someone that does not mean you can disrespect them. I want you to always remember that and it's something that I wish your father would remember when he interacts with Marek. You can think whatever you want in your head but that doesn't mean that you should say what you think."

Sera nodded in understanding.

"I will remember that. By the way, why does Dad hate Marek so much? Did something happen when they were younger?"

The older woman sighed and sat back in her chair before speaking.

"A long time ago my parents had promised me to Marek to marry. It was so very long ago and I became good friends with Marek. We were supposed to wed after all. Well when my parents were lost at sea my brother became the new king and many things changed. He started to negotiate with King Bazyli and Queen Dea for a new treaty between Durant and Regnum.

"Dea wanted the land that is now where our springs are and to have me marry her son, Jovan, to strengthen the royal family. My brother complied and was given five million crowns for me and Marek went on to marry a princess of Ignatia.

"Your father just doesn't like that I was promised to someone else before him and how familiar that old fiancé interacts with me. And Marek knows that it gets under your father's skin every time he reminds him that I was supposed to be a queen of Demarcus and not Regnum. It caused a rivalry to bloom between them."

"Wow, so I guess there's a love triangle between you three." Sera commented.

Regina laughed.

"You make it sound more romantic than what it is. It's most troublesome and annoying. But I do have to admit that when I was younger it was a nice feeling to have two young men fight over me." Her face saddened a bit. "But I also have to admit that I changed considerably once Zander was born. I became paranoid and distant. His future was the only thing that mattered and then I started to argue with Jovan and accused many women of sleeping with him. But they never did. Your mother probably never would have if I had been more attentive. I drove him to her. I have accepted that and I have moved on."

Regina then smiled again.

"But you know, after moving on and really focusing on what can make my family come together I have finally started to heal. I'm no longer angry and I am finding the love that I had missed for so long."

"I'm happy that you are happy. And I hope that everything continues to fall into place for you."

"Thank you Serafina. I hope for the same for you as well."

Sera left that room feeling accomplished and complete. 

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