Chapter Nineteen

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Sera sat outside with the children on the playground of the orphanage. Zander and her had helped set up a picnic for them and everyone was enjoying each other's company. Dante then approached Zander.

"Are you really getting married Zander?"

Zander gave a smile.

"I am, to a princess."

"That's gross. Girls are yucky." Dante remarked and everyone gave a giggle.

"But I thought you liked Erika." Sera teased.

Dante quickly ran up to her and put his small hand across her mouth.

"Shhh... You don't know anything about it."

Sera gave another giggle.

"Okay I promise I won't say anything." She whispered into his little fingers. He nodded and returned to his spot.

"What's this princess like? Is she prettier than Princess Sera?" Little Mara asked.

"Princess Celina is very pretty and she is very kind." Zander commented.

"Will she like us?" Mara continued to question.

Zander's smile widened.

"Who could not like you guys? I'm sure she'll love you all. In fact, I will introduce you all before I go away for a bit."

All of the children gave small groans.

"Do you have to go? A month is a very long time. That's like four of our visits." Dante whined.

The prince gave a small sigh.

"I'm sorry Dante, but I do have to introduce Princess Celina to the whole country. But," he paused pointing towards Sera, "the lovely Princess Sera will still be coming to play with you all weekly. With all the fun you will be having with her you're not even going to notice I'm gone."

"That's not true!" Little Zak exclaimed. "You are our honorary big brother. Make sure on the very day you come back that you come and see us."

"I can't promise that it'll be that day but it will be within a couple of days of returning. But I do promise to come and see you all as soon as I can when I return."

The children didn't seem overly satisfied with the answer but they let the subject drop as they returned to their lunches and then back onto the playground.

"The children were a little upset about my leaving for a while but I think they will enjoy having a new playmate when I return." Zander recounted at dinner that night when discussing their days with each other.

"Well, they are quite attached to you. But I'm sure Serafina will keep them entertained while you are away." Regina stated with a smile.

"That's what I told them but they pulled at my heartstrings by calling me their honorary brother. I will have to make sure to visit them as soon as I can when I return." Zander laughed.

"It's small encounters like that, that will cement you in the hearts of your people. They will always consider you as the same as them and that's what builds loyalty." Jovan remarked.

Zander nodded and then turned towards Sera.

"Make sure you keep them busy, Sera." He laughed. "I don't want them missing me too much."

Sera gave a small giggle.

"Who knows, maybe they'll decide that I'm more fun to play with than you. But don't worry I'll be sure to remind them every week that you'll be back soon."

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