Chapter Three

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In the opposite side of the castle people were running around to grab pillows and fussing over a woman laying in her bed. 

She was laying on her back, dark brown hair fanned and framing cheeks as she was dressed down in her night clothes. Her stormy steel eyes remained shut as Cicero checked her vitals.

A soft knock came at the door followed by Zander entering the room and shutting the door quietly behind him.

    He walked forward to his mother's bedside and saw the letter that he suspected was the cause of her ailment on the nightstand beside her. He sighed and pulled up a chair to sit beside her until he mentally couldn't take it anymore. He reached out and held her hand and as his skin touched hers she began to move and open her eyes. She peered down at him and smiled,

    "My sweet boy, you came to see me. Thank you." Her voice was weak, whether on purpose or not, he couldn't tell. 

    "Yes, I'm here Mother. How are you feeling?"

    She gave a weak smile.

    "Better now that you are here. I'm afraid that my body wasn't ready for the shocking news that your father thought humorous to share with me."

    "I see that. Your guard nearly killed poor Cicero by dragging him through the halls at top speeds. I'm not saying that you didn't need the medical care but I do wish that you would call for one of the younger physicians. Cicero isn't as spry as he once was."

    "Your Royal Highness I must interject." Came from the woman that dragged Cicero across the grounds. "Cicero is the best physician in the kingdom and Her Majesty deserves the best care!"

    Zander put up a hand to silence the woman, his shoulders tensing from annoyance. He gave her a gaze that would freeze the land if he had the ability to do it.

    "His apprentices are more than capable and you should respect your elders more, especially someone as renowned as Cicero. He is not to be rushed around like a rag doll."

    Cicero caught the tension and patted Zander on the shoulder.

    "It's alright young prince. It's my duty in life to care for the members of the royal family. That being said," he started to laugh a bit, "I will most likely be retiring soon enough. I do have very capable disciples that will have promise though."

    Zander sighed.

    "Cicero, you are more to this family than a doctor I hope you know. You are valued to us more like a family member yourself rather than a servant to us. I don't want you caring for us to cause you to have a lesser quality of life than you deserve."

    Cicero smiled down at the boy.

    "I am truly touched by your words, Your Highness. I promise to speak up when I am being pushed too far. Now I must get back to my patient." He turned back towards the woman in the bed.

    "My dear Queen Regina, I understand that you are facing many new phases in your life. Your appearance certainly does not reflect your biological age, but your body still feels it. In my opinion I believe that you should take it easy, maybe a small holiday to the springs to unwind. I would like for you to take this time to relax. I will give you a sleeping elixir that I want you to take for today and maybe for a couple of days this week. I will check on you in the morning."

    Cicero closed up his medical bag after leaving a bottle on her nightstand beside the letter. He gave a last bow before exiting the room.

    Zander looked back at his mother and did his best to sound as supportive as possible.

    "I know that you may think that this is all bad news but I would like for you to think of it as a new beginning for our family. Father has really strong feelings on the matter and is determined to have this petition passed. Wouldn't it be better to just accept it so that it'll be easier to move forward?"

    Regina's face became saddened at his words and she held onto his hand.

    "I just want your future to remain secure. I don't want your destiny to be ripped from you."

    Zander gave a small laugh.

    "Mother, my future remains the same, with or without the new changes. You honestly don't have to worry about that."

    "And what of Her Majesty?" The same guard as before interrupted again. "What will happen to her if all of this is passed?"

    Zander held up his hand again to silence her.

    "That's not an issue at all. My mother will always be taken care of and you will do well to hold your tongue. Don't speak of matters when you know so little about them." 

    The guard seemed to be fuming but took that moment to excuse herself for rounds rather than risk being reprimanded for her behavior.

    Zander sighed and looked at his mother again.

    "Honestly, mother, you are worrying about nonexistent issues. Why don't you rest for now. I will sit with you until you fall asleep." 

Serafina: Becoming a PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz