Chapter Twelve

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After the first most relaxing lunch she had been able to enjoy in the last two weeks, Sera was swiftly swept into her bath as they waited for Taylor to arrive with her dress. Jelena and Laney had to be fitted into their own gowns to attend the party with their families and would meet up with her at the party. In exchange for their absence, Sera was given a guard from her father and brother to stand outside the door. As she relaxed in her aromatic bath water, the image of Elek's eyes kept plaguing her thoughts. They truly were the most intriguing eyes that she had ever seen. And his voice was ringing in her ears. Raising out of the tub Sera came to the conclusion that her brother was probably right and that she should remain cautious of any future interactions with the members of the Draconis family.

She was grateful for the distraction when Taylor arrived with her gown. They placed her at her vanity and covered up the mirror. Taylor wanted the final reveal to be a surprise. She even went as far as blindfolding Sera again after her hair was finished and helped her into her gown. After she could feel herself being all tied up in the back of her dress she was guided in front of a full sized mirror.

"Ready?" Sera could hear Taylor asked and Sera quickly nodded her head, excited to see the dress that Taylor had put so much time into. "Okay, just remember that we still have to do your make up but I think you'll going to love the way you look regardless. Three. Two. One!"

The blindfold was removed and she found herself staring at herself. Her hair fell down in soft curls with the right side pinned to the side of her head with a shiny dark blue pin that sparkled with specks of silver and gold. Her breath then caught in her throat as she took in her gown.

The ball gown started with translucent off the shoulder sleeves that were a few blue shades lighter than the rest of the dress. The top was the same shade of blue as her pin and was make of a silky fabric. As the dress descended towards her skirt it divided into layers. The first, and shortest, layer began to lighten in shades the further down it went with silver and gold specks starting as a flurry towards the top and then condensing towards the bottom. The second layer extended for about four inches after the first and was a shining, silky, silver that shimmered in the light. Extending four more inches after the second layer was a shimmering gold layer that finished the dress. Depending on how you perceived it, it appeared as if the sun were rising or setting on her dress. It was the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.

She turned towards Taylor with tears brimming in her eyes.

"This is gorgeous. You are so amazing! Thank you so much!" 

Taylor's eyes twinkled.

"I'm happy you love it. You will outshine any party guest tonight."

Once sufficient amount of staring and praising had come and gone, Sera was quickly being poked and prodded to add make up for the final touches. Then with silver, slightly raised, shoes, a dark blue choker with a silver star dangling from it, and a mask that matched her pin she was ready to meet the others in the library. But before she could exit her room Leena stopped her.

Leena's eyes appeared almost like glass and she took in Sera's appearance. She cupped Sera's chin and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"You are so beautiful. Be aware of your surroundings tonight and have fun. I will be watching you. Also, take this, you never know when you may need it." Leena quickly strapped a small dagger onto Sera's thigh for protection if needed. With that they all walked out and made their way to the library. 

Leena knocked on the library door to signal their arrival. When the door opened Sera could see a roaring fire behind her father's desk with everyone but Dea present. Regina's dress was off-the-shoulder but long sleeved with her thumbs holding the sleeves down. It was a darker shade than Sera's gown, nearly black. Along the bottom flew silver shooting stars that went up the length of her skirt towards her hips. The top had a thin silver border and a silver chain with a crescent moon rest on her collar bone. She wore a matching mask around her eyes and a silver tiara on her head with her hair rolled up.

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