Chapter Ten

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The weeks flew by, causing immense anticipation among all of them. Zander still accompanied Sera into Nautica a couple times a week to volunteer at the orphanage and to meet with the shop owners but he was quiet and reclusive. He would still acknowledge her and was kind to her but he didn't begin any conversation and instead would only answer her when she spoke. She could imagine that he was under a great amount of stress from having to find a woman to marry. The thought of him doing such a thing for her benefit sickened her stomach, but every time she brought it up he would quickly dismiss it. He would repeat how it was his duty to his country anyways to find a bride and for her to be added to the line of succession was just an added bonus to something that he already had to do.

But time was still running out. Every day Zander would meet with Jovan to discuss potential brides. Every day Dea would turn all of the candidates down for varying reasons. The girl wasn't rich enough. The girl would produce ugly heirs. The girl's treaty agreement didn't supply enough military support. 

They knew that Dea was just running out the clock and trying to find a way to combat her behavior was proving difficult. Jovan had a meeting scheduled later on that week with the Grand Council to see if Dea's words held any weight when making a decision. While she wasn't a ruler anymore, Dea's words were always respected by the people and especially the Grand Counsel. Jovan was confident that he could have it his way by just going against her wishes, but he wanted make sure he had the support.

Sera had began being invited to more family meals and was being included in many of the plans being made for the kingdom and the family. Regina mostly treated her as if she didn't exist, unless she were directed to acknowledge her. Dea would not talk to her for the most part, and when she did have something to say to her it would be spiteful words.

It was a morning family meal when a big event was announced by Jovan. He stood at the head of the table before they began to eat.

"I've decided that since finding a bride has been so difficult, we will invite every eligible princess and noblewoman to the castle for a party and to spend a week afterwards here with us. Every kingdom that wants to participate will send their princesses with a treaty agreement drafted and a written letter of how much their dowry will be as well as anything else they may want to add to the pot. The noblewomen will come with their own letters with information of their dowries and any land they would be willing to offer as well as other benefits they could add to the kingdom. All of these girls will already have checked each of your boxes, Mother, before they even set foot through the door. It'll just be a matter of choosing one."

Dea's eyes were defiant.

"You think it's that easy to find a match? You can do whatever you wish to find a suitable girl but I still believe that you will fail."

"You're entitled to believe that, but I have confidence that we will find someone who meets your, but most importantly the Grand Counselors, standards. This will take place the first week of next month, just two weeks away and two weeks before the deadline, but we'll make it work."

Jovan then looked at Regina.

"Regina, you will teach Serafina how to plan for such an event and what components go into it. As a future princess to this kingdom she should know how to be a generous hostess. Your parties are always enjoyed, I'm sure she'll learn well from your guidance."

It was Sera's first time seeing her father trying to be nice to Regina. But she assumed that it was because he wanted something and didn't want to give Regina a reason to fight him. Regina just nodded her head and continued to eat her meal. 

"Good. And Mother, there is something that I want to discuss with you after breakfast, if you don't mind staying behind for a bit."

"I suppose I can talk with my beloved son for a bit." Dea appeared surprised at the invitation but accepted it all the same.

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