Chapter Fifteen

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On the other side of the castle Zander sat in his father's office as he had a meeting with Jovan, Kalem, and Gunther. There was much to talk about and they were barely passed half of the week for deciding on a bride. What was more frustrating for Zander and Jovan was the packet of papers in front of them.

Kalem pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose before speaking.

"I must say, this is quite the opportunity. With that amount of money we can pour much of it into expanding and improving our infrastructure as well as provide the citizens with a better way of life. I know it's a difficult decision but it's certainly not one to turn our noses up to."

Jovan gave a sigh.

"Marek asks for too much in return."

Gunther cleared his throat to speak.

"Jovan, be reasonable. All of this for one girl? That seems like a bargain."

"Just one girl?" Jovan's teeth clenched. "That one girl is my daughter. My child. She is not currency."

Kalem turned his attention towards Zander.

"Your Highness, how do you like Princess Celina?"

Zander's face appeared conflicted.

"It's not about liking someone in order to marry them."

Kalem rolled his eyes.

"Okay, different question. How do you like this contract?"

"I think that my grandmother had a role to play in this and I'm not impressed. I have been hearing non-stop that she and Marek have been having meetings with one another. This contract is far too generous. She must be giving something in return that we aren't seeing."

Jovan nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm going to have someone look into that thought because I believe that you could be right."

Gunther scratched his chin.

"I would say to continue to investigate but also this is a real contract to consider and once the rest of the Grand Counsel sees it they are going to try and push for it to move forward. And honestly old friend, if you accept this offer than Serafina's legitimacy is completely secured. There will be no objection."

"Of course there wouldn't be." Jovan gritted. "Because you'll get the spare and then send it away to be of use another way. She isn't to be auctioned off."

"Listen," Gunther rationalized, "with a double marriage Marek thinks that he has an upper hand but you would still have more than he would. He thinks that he would have two claims to our throne but I think he's too blind to see that Regnum would have the same curtesy. In the end Demarcus could become one giant territory of Regnum's depending on what the future holds. If Zander and Celina have an heir and for some reason Elek does not then the heir to our throne would have a claim to theirs as well and can take over both countries."

"That is a very ambitious idea Gunther, and not one that I can see myself getting on board with." Jovan pointed.

"I don't believe I could either." Zander agreed.

"I understand that but the Grand Counsel is going to take that into consideration. I'm telling you right now that they will be pushing for this contract to move forward. But maybe you can still adjust it."

"How so?" Zander questioned.

"See if you can somehow either replace or remove Serafina altogether. I'm not sure how, that's where Kalem would have to come in, but if you can make the contract into something you can agree to it would be better in the end for everyone."

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