Chapter Fourteen

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A couple of days had passed and a majority of the guests had already left. Ones who showed up just to celebrate were gone first. Then were the ones who knew they had no chance of striking a marriage contract with Zander. Latvia and Nerida remained as honored guests, even though it seemed obvious that Nerida and Zander were content just remaining as friends.

Dea was behaving more giddy with each wave of princesses and noblewomen that had left early. Sera rationalized that it was due to the fact that King Marek was still around with many more meetings lined up with Dea. It was also well known around the castle that Jovan was growing impatient with both of them. But what was talked about the most was the constant interactions between Zander and Celina.

Even though Zander tried to spend time with multiple girls over the course of the few days that they had, he kept finding himself bumping into Celina and then inviting her for small walks or escorting her to her rooms. Sera was becoming more convinced that their coincidental meetings were more planned out than Zander would have cared to admit. Celina just happened to have always been in the right place at the right time. Most of the other women had were making appointments and no one knew Zander's schedule except for himself and their father. Although, Sera suspected that Dea had somehow found herself a copy.

She wasn't without her own admirer as well. Small notes kept finding their way at her door and she would send casual replies in return. One of these notes had been delivered as she was entertaining Anton with lunch. The mood was light with Laney teasing her brother about soon finding a bride for himself. However, when the note came to the door Anton's mood seemed to have soured.

"You are quite popular Sera. That must be the fourth letter you have received today. Is your father calling you for something?"

Sera could feel her face begin to burn as she tried to not read the note in front of everyone.

"Um... No. It's actually from Elek. He's checking u p on me after my accident at the beach."

Anton's eyes narrowed.

"Why were you only with Elek when that incident happened?"

Her face heated up more.

"Well, he had never been to a beach like ours and when we got there we just wandered too far. It was an honest mishap on my part."

Anton didn't appear impressed.

"And yet he just let you go under. Maybe you should be thinking about different prospects. Ones who may actually dive under the water to save you."

"Anton!" Laney chided. "Believe it or not Prince Elek did try to save her but Zander actually helped pull him back in. Elek was even hurt while trying to reach Sera."

"And yet Sera had only herself to rely on to get back. Sounds like there were some failures to go around." Anton crossed his arms.

Laney took that moment to pinch her brother's cheek with the strength of a wild horse.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for?"

"Listen, it was an honest mishap! Leave it at that."

He rolled his eyes and looked back at the note still in Sera's hands and sighed.

"Look Sera, at the end of the day I just want you to make smart choices. And Elek wouldn't be one of them. He would marry anyone at all if he thought for even a moment that they could benefit him or his country. I know he is charming, I have seen how he talks to other girls and not just you. It's all an act. The last thing I'll say on it is that if Zander chooses that princess then you better hope that you have no involvement in the marriage contract."

"I actually heard a rumor on that." Jelena piped in. "According to my mother, who has been in many of the meetings with His Majesty, King Marek has been really pushing for the most impressive marriage contract that has ever been seen."

Jelena paused to check that she had everyone's attention before continuing.

"Rumor has it that Marek wants to have Celina marry into the family but he is desperate to have Sera join his family. He had even put in a proposal that offered up himself to marry her."

"Hell no!" Sera gagged.

Jelena gave a giggle and raised her hands up in defense.

"Don't worry, it was thrown out immediately. Both King Jovan and Queen Regina were completely against it, horrified even. Although, Dea didn't want to throw out the idea.

"But the current proposal is for a double marriage but it comes with an unheard of and nearly absurd amount of benefits. The contract comes with a dowry of two-million crowns, no dowry requirement for you, the island with Fort Aquila on it, a renewed trading contract, and five new ships."

After Sera was done assuring that her jaw wasn't on the floor she closed her lips in bafflement.

"That is unheard of. What could possess someone to offer up so much for a marriage contract?"

"It's simple," Anton began, "you are a prize, so long as you actually get added to the succession. Marek is even allowing for you to go without a dowry to be paid and he is willing to pay an absurd amount to have Celina married into the family. It would give Demarcus two claims to the throne. And honestly, even though I know that Uncle Jovan would do his best to reject the offer, anyone would be unwise to turn down such an offer."

Sera began to become nervous. She was confident that her father would try to work something out that didn't include her but she also couldn't deny that the offer was beyond anything anyone else could offer. She was curious about what those of the Grand Counsel thought of the proposal. Would they force her father's hand in accepting it? A hand then grabbed her shoulder gently. Sera looked up to see Leena looking down on her.

"These are just rumors. Don't let any of this invade your mind. Just keep up with your studies and the work that you are doing. If something significant comes up that involves you then we will tackle it when and if it does. For now don't concern yourself with it."

Sera nodded and looked down at her hands with the forgotten letter in them. Reading it quickly she decided to not make a response, for fear that it may give Elek the wrong impression. He stated that he wanted to spend more time with her again but if there was a lot going on behind the scenes she most certainly did not want to contribute to it. Instead she went back to her lunch and kept her time spent with her closest friends and family.  

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