Chapter 34

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After the ceremony, Y/n went on multiple dates with St. Louis and the girls.

He went of fancy dinner dates with St. Louis, Enterprise, Hornet, Atago, Akagi, Amagi, Monarch, Dunkerque, and Jean Bart

He event went out with Helena, Honolulu, Colorado, Maryland, Nelson, Wales at festivals and events that's holiday related

Lastly, Y/n go out with Friedrich Dre Groɓe, Peter Strasser, Sovetskaya Belorussiya and Kronshtadt and fancy drink stands. He even went out with Kaguya and Yuzuru at the movies, shopping malls, and many more

At some night times, Kumano and Suzuya had a sleep over with Y/n in his quarters As long they didn't had any funny business.


One day, Y/n was in his office doing some paper work until he hears a key on the door

Y/n: Enter

The door opens and it was Belfast

Belfast: Master, I brought you some tea and dessert for you.

Y/n: Thank you Belfast

Belfast: Also Master, you have a package.

Y/n: Oh, yes! It final arrived.

Belfast: What is it?

Y/n: It's something for St. Louis and the girls. Would you be kind and bring them all here?

Belfast: At once, Master


Y/n is feeling anxious telling them then the door opens

Belfast: Master, I brought them as you commanded.

Y/n: Thank you, Belfast

St. Louis: What is it, Commander? Why did you everyone here?

Y/n: The reason is...

Y/n: Every since I was a kid, I loved each and every one of you girls.

Y/n: I always dreamt to be your commander and partner. Now that dream came true. It's my turn to make yours come true

He took out a package and grabs small boxes causing the girls to be surprised and blush with tears of joy.

Y/n: St. Louis, Honolulu, Helena, New Jersey, Boise, Baltimore, Washington, North Carolina, Colorado, Maryland, Kumano, Suzuya, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, Kronshtadt, Taihou, Akagi, Amagi, Mikasa, Zuikaku, Atago, Dunkerque, Jean Bart, Nelson, Monarch, Peter Strasser, Friedrich Dre Groɓe, Kaguya, and Yuzuru.

He approaches them and took a knee down

He approaches them and took a knee down

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Y/n: Will you girls be my wives?

Girls: Yes, Commander!

He smiles and put a ring on each of the girls

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