10.2K 86 38

Hairstyle: Yours

Hair color: Yours (If not go with black hair and brown hair)

Age: 18 years old

Eye color: Yours

Rank: Commander "Shikikan"


Class: Battleship

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Class: Battleship


4 × triple 16 in (406 mm) guns

8 × twin 5 in (127 mm) DP guns

4 × Mk 26 missile launchers


Waterline belt: 12.1 in (307 mm)

Bulkheads: 14.5 in (368 mm)

Barbettes: 11.6-17.3 in (295-439 mm)

Turrets: 19.7 in (500 mm)

Decks: 4.75-6.2 in (121-157 mm)

Combat and Uniform:

Combat and Uniform:

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(Ignore the armor and the person)

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(Ignore the armor and the person)


(Imagine it's the color of the ship)

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(Imagine it's the color of the ship)

Likes: Ships, helping each other, caring, commanding, defending and protecting, etc...

Dislikes: Sirens, one of his shipgirls getting injured or hurt, war on a peaceful settlement, letting everyone down

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