Chapter 1

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It was a bright sunny day at a simple city by a naval dockyard.

A little boy was running with excitement as he heads to the naval yard.

His name is Y/n L/n

As he run, the little boy was greeted by knif people that knows him

Civilian 1: Afternoon Y/n, heading to the naval yard again?

Y/n: I sure am!

Civilian 1: Well okay! Just be careful!

Y/n: 'kay!!!

As continue running he was greeted by his good female friend who owns a bakery shop.

Civilian 2: Hello Y/n, going to your ships?

Y/n: Yes, ma'am!

Civilian 2: That's good to hear. Here this is for your parents.

She gave him a bag of sweet cakes that he and his parents love.

Y/n: Thank you, ma'am. Have a good day!

She wave him off as he continues to make his way to the naval yard


He arrives at the naval dockyard and approaches the checkpoint

The security guard greets him since Y/n was the son of M/n and F/n who works as Navy Officers in the dockyard.

The security guard told him that his parents are in a very important meeting with top brass.

Y/n understands and his parents knows where his going to be.

He make his way to the docks and saw them

World War 2 ships anchored and waiting for him to feel like home.

He approaches a light cruise, St. Louis along side with her sister ship Honolulu and Helena.

He touches their haul and boards them and pretends to be their captain

After that, he went on to the aircraft carriers

He boards Enterprise, Hornet, Akagi, Zuikaku, and Taihou

He imagine himself as a pilot flying the fighter planes, dive bombers, and being the Admiral

Then to the Battleships and so on.

He was on board New Jersey pretending to be a captain. He saw something a through a window

Y/n: What's that?

As he approaches it the figure appears to more slightly visible

The figure was a girl with long blue hair, blue eyes, and had ears like a bunny.

Then he saw something behind the fugure. There were others like her but different. As was about to touch the window. He was surprised by someone grabbing his right shoulder

Y/n: Dad, you scary me

Father: Sorry son. I didn't mean to scary you.

Then his Mother came in

Mother: Y/n, we are done for today let's go home.

Y/n nod

Mother: Is something wrong?

Y/n: No, it's just I saw something through the window I was looking at.

His parents looks at the window but nothing was there.

Mother: It was probably a bird.

Y/n: Maybe. But...

Father: Your mom is right it was probably a bird passing by.

Y/n: Okay.

Father: Come on son, let's go home.

Y/n hold hand with his parents as they exit out the bridge.

After got off from New Jersey they walk on the pier little do they know the figures from each of the ships looks at them with a smile.

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