Chapter 25

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Y/n and Purifier fought each other as explosions are heard from outside

He dodges her attacks while Purifier do the same as she laugh sinister

Both of them stop to catch a breath

Y/n: Your good, I give you that

Purifier: Haha! I would say the same thing!

Y/n was behind the Phoenix prototype and next to him was a crane control

He looks and saw a ton of equipment hanging right in the middle of the room

Which gives him an idea

Y/n: You know Purifier, you are the most opponent I ever faced.

Purifier: Haha! So you are!

Y/n: You know, Purifier. Since I made my move you take a shot at me

Purifier laugh and charges at without any second thoughts

Which results Y/n to fire his shell into the crane control resulting the ton of equipment fall and pinning her down in debris

Y/n: That will hold her down for now

Then he looks at the jetpack

Y/n: I think this might be useful for me to us than them.

He touches it and the Phoenix suddenly went bright like the time when the wind cube combine him with his ship.

The jetpack combine him like his ship

After that, he downloaded the files into a hard drive along with Intel of the independent attack on a human settlement

Then he left a few shells with a timer to destroy the facility

Y/n exit out the facility where Baltimore and the girls were waiting for him

Baltimore: Commander, are you alright?

Y/n: I'm fine but we need to go now!

Baltimore: right!

Y/n: All teams, it's time to pull! Head to the rendezvous point

Y/n and the girls flee the port.

After surfing, to safety for 5 minutes

The captured Siren ship exploded like a nuke

Y/n and the girls felt the shock wave

Y/n: Everyone alright?

The girls show signs that they were okay

Then St. Louis noticed something on him

St. Louis: You okay, Commander?

Y/n: Yeah, I had a run in with Purifier.

Maryland: Purifier was here?

Y/n: Yeah, you were right about her she is crazy!

Bismarck: Where's Purifier now?

Y/n: Over there.

The girls look at the building then it explodes

Warspite: Is she gone?

Wales: I don't know she's a formidable fighter.

Y/n: I agree.

Y/n: Now let's get back to base. You all did good and came back alive. I'm proud of all.

Girls smile and surf back to base.

As they surf, Y/n is leading them until he receives communication from High Command

He stops resulting the everyone to stop

Y/n: Go for Y/n.

High Command: Commander, we have code red alert. A massive Siren fleet is approaching to a human settlement

Y/n: What?! Which one?

High Command: we are calculating their course

Then Y/n remembers the intel

Y/n: Home...

Y/n: They are heading for my parents!

High Command: How can you be sure?

Y/n: I found Intel for a independent attack on a human settlement an the island which my parents are living

High Command: Solid copy. Be advise, the Siren force is coming in numbers. We have no choice but to evacuated the island

Y/n: Understood. We'll go in and help the evacuation.

High Command: Affirmative, Godspeed. Commander

He hungs up the radio

Helena: What's wrong?

He turn to the girls

Y/n: The Sirens are sailing to attack my parent's island.

Amagi: We have to help the.

Y/n: That's what we are going to do.

The everyone nods and change course to the island

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