Chapter 9

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(Imagine yourself and everyone is there)

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(Imagine yourself and everyone is there)

Y/n listens to their story on who they came to life

Y/n was amazed by it and very grateful that they were fine and a live.

Then he told them his story.

The girls listen carefully

After they left the navy docks, he continue on his life by studying to be a captain and Admiral

Until one day, the Sirens came and attack.

He even told them about the two Siren girls that spare him and his parents.

After that, he told them his journey as a Captain of his ship that he use to protect supply routes and defend what humanity has left

Y/n: Until One day, I received a package from an old friend of mine. After that, the Sirens attack me and my ship.

Prinz: What happened?

Y/n: Me and my fellow crew man put up a good fight damaging and destroying multiple enemy ships.

Y/n: Unfortunately, my ship sustained heavy damage and started to list on port side. I order my crew to abandon ship while I stay behind to provide covering fire for them

Y/n: After that, I went down with my ship

Amagi: How awful.

Wales: Then?

Y/n: The package I got from my old friend hit my leg. And I open it revealing a cube

Enterprise: A cube? As in a wisdom cube?

Y/n: You know what it was?

Warspite: It's metaphysical object that contains the thoughts, ideals and beliefs of humanity. It's what we are made of.

Y/n: Amazing. As I was saying, I grab the cube and said a wish then the cube started to glow combining me and my ship to this.

Kronshtadt: What was the wish?

Y/n: To be with you girls and be your commander.

Zara, Pola, Akagi, Amagi, Wales, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, and Kronshtadt blush on what he said

Then a phone rang

Wales responds by answering it

Wales: Hello, Azur Lane Command.

Wales: Yes, sir. He's here... Yes, I'll put you through to him.

Wales: It's for you, Y/n.

Y/n respond by answering it

Y/n: Hello?

?: Hello, old friend. It's been a while hasn't it?

Y/n: Dr. Yostar.

Dr. Yostar: Did you like my gift?

Y/n: I did, but what happened to me?

Dr. Yostar: I made your dream come true. You see your parents lie to you about the ships going to a cleaning and repair procedures.

Y/n listens

Dr. Yostar: They were told that it was a top secret project. Even for you to know about. But when your parents told me that you saw ghost likely figures on these ships. You had a gift like no human being has

Y/n: That's why you ask me to visit you. Because I know more about them than another person.

Dr. Yostar: That's right. The cube that I gave you. It was a special one only for you. The cube gave you the ability to be with them. I made your dream to come true.

Y/n smile holding in his tears

Dr. Yostar: Your parents are aware that you alive and well. And for feeling your true dream.

Y/n: I don't know how to thank you.

Dr. Yostar: You can thank me by continuing defending humanity and making these girls happy.

Y/n: I will.

Dr. Yostar: By the way Y/n, these girls can feel the experience of having a boyfriend. Good luck!

Y/n was surprised after hear that as Dr. Yostar hangs up.

He put down the phone and told the girls that were present about the news. That from today onwards he's there Commander.

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