Chapter 19

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Y/n makes his way to his office while reading the news paper.

He saw a category that caught his eyes

The category read about the mission that took place yesterday

Y/n smile that they made today's news paper

He arrives at the office and opens it

St. Louis: Welcome come, Commander ❤️

 Louis: Welcome come, Commander ❤️

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Y/n: Morning, St. Louis. Ready for today?

St. Louis: Indeed, I am, so is Honolulu ❤️

Y/n: Good to here.

Then Y/n sits down while Honolulu and St. Louis helps him out.

He and the girls work around the clock.

As day goes by, Honolulu was a sleep in the sofa as Y/n and St. Louis continue to work

Y/n: St. Louis, can you give me more filing paper. I think are some on the too shelf

St. Louis: Well of course

As he continues to work, Y/n saw St. Louis using a stepping ladder resulting this to him

 Louis using a stepping ladder resulting this to him

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St. Louis: Enjoying the view? ❤️

Y/n: Oh, boy...

Then Y/n heard a familiar sound

?: Uhh, what time is it?

He saw who made that sound

Honolulu saw what's her sister doing

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Honolulu saw what's her sister doing

Honolulu: St. Louis, what are you doing?!?

It caused her to shake the ladder almost resulting St. Louis getting hurt but Y/n was lucky to catcher like a princess

Y/n: Are you all right, St. Louis?

She blush slightly

She blush slightly

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St. Louis: Thank you for saving me, my prince ❤️

Then the door opens and it was Helena enjoying the moment she's seeing

Y/n place St. Louis down and turn his attention to Helena

Y/n: Helena, what brings you here?

Helena: You have mail, sir.

Y/n: Well, thank you.

Helena brings the mail to him

Honolulu: Who is it from?

Y/n: My parents

Helena: Really? Can you read it? I want to know more about them!

St. Louis: And so can I ❤️

Honolulu nod

Y/n: *chuckled* OK.

He opens the letter and reads it to them

After finishing the letter, he folds it and holds on to it and

After finishing the letter, he folds it and holds on to it and

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Helena: Your parents really misses you

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Helena: Your parents really misses you.

Y/n: Yeah

St. Louis: Your mom and dad really love you ever since you were a kid

Y/n smile

Honolulu: Your parents don't have to worry about you that much. You just live a few human settlements away, but I'm glad they care for you

Y/n: Thanks, Honolulu. But you probably not remember this but I saw my parents talking to each other and asking you girls to watch over me when I was kid.

Helena: And we kept that promise and we will continue on.

St. Louis: That's right, because we love you Y/n

Honolulu blush as a response

Y/n: Thank you girls. I promise to make you girls happy and stay by your side.

Girls smile

Y/n: Helena, since you are here. Would you care to help us out?

Helena: I would love too.

And so Y/n added Helena to be part of the Secretary ships with St. Louis and Honolulu

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