Chapter 31

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As Y/n and girls run through the jungle the Sirens were in full force

As they reach the beach Y/n and the girls jump in the water and started to surf

As they surf they were being chase by Siren ships

They heard their cannons firing Y/n pulls back and fires his mini gun

Y/n: Keep going! I'll cover the rear!

The girls keep going as Y/n provide protection.

One by one the Siren ships fire their cannons and Y/n response by blowing them out from the sky and he returns fire

The girls got out of the Siren ships cannon ranges

St. Louis and the girls look and saw Y/n approaching as fast as he can

He thought he was home free until.

Helena: Commander, watch out!

He turns and saw who it was

She lands on top of him and her heels was on his chest

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She lands on top of him and her heels was on his chest

Empress: So your the Commander of Azur Lane? Pity, you should have join me. I could used you well.

He struggles to get up

Empress: Since you damaged my new toy. I'll damage yours

He looks as she aim at St. Louis and the others.

He took his axe and knocks her beam cannon causing her to get off of him.

After getting up Observer and Purifier arrives

He turns to St. Louis and the others

Y/n: Girls, run! I'll hold them off!

St. Louis: Commander, no! We won't leave you!

Y/n: I have no choice! You have to warn everyone! Now go, that's an ORDER!

Then Purifier charges at him resulting to dodge and grab her by the legs and throws her at Observer.

He fought against three to one.

Y/n watches as St. Louis and the others flee to safety.

He still buys enough time for them to escape

Suddenly he was grab by Empress and was taken to the sky

As they go up, he trys fire his weapons but was out of ammunition

He then draws he's axe try to hurt the Empress but was blocked by her

She took his axe away and he looks at her

Empress: This is how you die and the face you will see the last time.

Then he a stap to the chest and another from Purifier to Observer

He spits out some blood

Empress: Tonight, humanity last hope is extinguish tomorrow humanity will to

Then she let's him go

Y/n lifeless body plung to the earth like a meteorite

He saw St. Louis and the girls looking at him with shocked

Y/n: Girls...

Then his body hits the water and sinks beneath the waves

With last few minutes

He saw St Louis and the others circling around the impact with tears

Y/n: St Louis, girls...

Y/n: I... truly... love you.

Then Y/n's eyes closed and his body sinks to the deep.

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