Chapter 32

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Y/n's body rest peaceful on the ocean floor.

His soil was going to the light

Until the light went bright to a small island

Y/n: Where am I? Am I dead?

?: Not yet

He turns and saw who it was.

Y/n: Your... Admiral William "Bull" Halsey

Bull: Indeed, I am. We have been watching you for a long time.

Y/n: We?

?: We.

Then another person appears

Y/n: Your Chester Nimitz

Nimitz: It's an honor to meet you, Commander.

Y/n: The honor is mine, Fleet Admiral

Nimitz: Please, call me Nimitz.

Y/n: But why I am here?

Nimitz: To tell you to return to your ships

Bull: They need their Commander and hope for humanity survival.

Y/n: I can't, Empress is too strong for me.

Bull: So your giving up?

Nimitz: That's not the Commander I know.

Y/n listens

Nimitz: I haven't gave up on my boys who hold the line against the Japanese Navy.

Nimitz: When those boys proved themselves at the Battle of Midway.

Nimitz: They gave us hope and the will to continue on the fight

Bull: The will of those boys who gave their lives to save humanity from darkness are forever in their debt to them

Y/n knew that they are right.

Nimitz: It seems that your ships are giving the enemy hell.

Bull: Return now to them. Bring the seas back to humanity

Then William "Bull" Halsey and Chester Nimitz goes bright


He then focuses all his power to cube causing the Phoenix jetpack to emerge from his ship

And he launches from the depths to the surface

He make his way to the others

Y/n saw the girls were giving them a good fight.

Then he saw Enterprise in trouble with Empress and Observer

(1:01-1:29, Optimus as Y/n, Ultra Magnus as Enterprise, Megatron as Empress, Starscream as Observer)

After that, the Siren open fires at him causing him to take out the Phoenix weapons and opening fire at them

When they were dealt with Y/n turns to Enterprise

Y/n: Enterprise, you okay?

Enterprise: Commander?! Your alive? But how-?

Y/n: Long story. What's the situation?

Enterprise: Right, we are trying to destroy the missile platform, but we are pin down by Purifier who's leading the Sirens trying to protect the missile

Y/n: Understood!

Y/n took flight as Enterprise inform everyone that he is alive

Azur Lane: Battleship of Humanity Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora