Chapter 30

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After the time at the beach, it was back to work

Y/n continue his job by being a Commander and fighter.

Without noticing that the city was completed. Every day, St. Louis and so many other goes to the city to experience what a human do.

They go for shopping, hanging out with friends, movies, and many more.

Y/n is in his office doing some paper and drinking tea that Belfast made for him

As he put the cup of tea down the phone rang.

Y/n: Hello Azur Lane Command

It was High Command

He told him over through the phone that there's had been weird developed on one of the islands

Satellite shows that the Sirens are testing something on that island

And they want to know what it is.

So Y/n hangs up the phone and summon New Jersey, Boise, St. Louis, Honolulu, Helena, Nelson, and Monarch to the office

After waiting for 5-10 minutes he hears a knock on the door

Y/n: Enter.

The door opens and it was the girls

Y/n: St. Louis, girls we have a mission.

They listen

Y/n: High Command wants us to do a reconnaissance mission.

Nelson: On what?

Y/n: Satellite photos and surveillance shows weird activity on this island.

Helena: What can it be?

Y/n: That's why we are going to find out.

Y/n: We'll depart immediately.

Girls nod and left the office and make their way to the docks.

Y/n runs and jumps and his ship combine him and so did the girls and set off


After a long surfing to the destination it was night time

Y/n and the girls saw the island and approaches it

They hit the beach and Y/n look around and signs of the enemy

Y/n: Alright, let's see what they have in store for us. We'll walk it from here.

The girls nod

As they enter the jungle there was no sign of life like birds or any creatures that lives on this island

As they continue to walk they saw the edge of the jungle

They exit and saw it

They exit and saw it

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