Chapter 24

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As Y/n and the girls commance the attack on the Siren Port

Y/n helps Baltimore, Washington, North Carolina, Colorado, Maryland attack the Siren ships that are anchored while Taihou, Akagi, Enterprise, and Hornet provide air support for them

Ark Royal, Shokaku, Zuikaku, attack the facilities with their air planes

And the rest of the girls attack any secondary targets

Y/n uses his main guns to destroy the Sirens that were in minimal range while he use his cruise missiles on long range targets

One by one each Siren ship was blown up.

He took out his axe and throws his axe at couple of Siren ships

Then a voice was shout

?: Commander!

He turns and saw it was Peter Strasser and Friedrich Dre Groɓe.

Y/n: Peter, Friedrich, what's wrong?

Peter: Sovetskaya Belorussiya, Rossiya Kronshtadt, Chapayev are encountering heavy resistance. They need he'll

Y/n: Alright, Baltimore, your with me! The rest of you girls stay here!

Baltimore: Yes, sir!

Y/n: Peter, lead the way!

Peter nod

Then Y/n and Baltimore make their way to Sovetskaya Belorussiya and the others with Peter leading the way.

As they sail Y/n, saw tons of ships burning and facilities on fire

They arrived and saw the Northern Parliament in deep heat

He saw several Siren ships firing their cannons

Y/n took out his mini gun and blow them out of the sky

Sovetskaya Belorussiya: Commander! Thanks for the assistance

Y/n: Anytime, what's the situation?

Kronshtadt: The Sirens are protecting that building with everything they got.

Chapayev: We believe they are protecting something

Y/n: Affirmative! You girls stay here and provide cover fire. I'll try find away around

Girls nod

Y/n: Now, covering fire!

The girls fire their cannons as Y/n move to cover to cover

As he approaches the facility he saw a hole that was blown

Y/n: It looks like I found my way in.

He enter the facility

Y/n saw that this facility was making a new weapon

Y/n saw that this facility was making a new weapon

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Y/n: Is that a jetpack?

He saw a terminal and access it

Y/n: The Phoenix.

The Phoenix is equipped with adavnce thrusters and heavy guns that can destroy fighters before it has time to react.

And something caught his eyes

Plans for a full scale assault on a human settlement. What's worse that human settlement is were his parents are living.

Then suddenly


Y/n was grabbed and toast down near the Phoenix prototype

He looks and saw who was

He looks and saw who was

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Y/n: Purifier!

Purifier: HAHAHA! Alone and trying to steal our tech. Somebody is being naughty!

Y/n: That's rich coming from you!

Purifier laugh

Purifier: I know who you are!

Y/n remain silent

Purifier: Your that kid from the island we struck first!

Y/n angers slowly

Purifier: I was the one that led the attack from the air!

Purifier: The destruction! The flames! And humanity running for their lives! It was amazing!

Y/n angers grew as he listens

Purifier: It was too bad that, your girlfriends weren't there to see the devastation.

Purifier: But they will feel the devastation once I defeat you in combat!

Y/n angers was full resulting him to fire at Purifier

She dodges it

Purifier: Come out me!

Then Purifier and Y/n fight each as the Phoenix is being built

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