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Mist's POV
Everyone starts to show up and most of the kids start to play together. Joel stays with H and Graser because he's older and probably doesn't want to play with the younger kids.

I love how all the kids get along so well.

The food finishes and we al, eat and talk. It's nice to speak with everyone. We do this mostly once a week, it's just something we have to do.


All the kids were playing again when everyone had to leave because some of the kids had school in the morning since it's Monday tomorrow. Everyone said goodbye and left. I pick up Kayla and bring her up to her room.

"Time for bed!!" I say.
"Okay." She replies as I set her down. Before I know it she's already fast asleep.

-=+=- Timeskip 10 years (yes I know very very long time) -=+=-

Kayla's POV
I wake up and get ready for the place we call school.

I put my bright purple hair in a ponytail and change my cartilage pericing. Once I'm done I go downstairs to eat some breakfast. Most kids my age don't eat breakfast in the morning but my parents make sure I do.

As I walk out the door and start walking to the bus stop Jack comes up beside me.

"Hey Kayla, you look good today." He says.
"Thanks Jack. But I've told you already I'm not interested. Plus you're 3 years older than me. It's not happening." I reply.
"One day it will." He says.
"Ha I don't think." I reply getting on the bus as he waits for his for highschool.

I'm in 8th grade but I know a lot about myself now. One of the things being I'm not interested in guys. Only girls. I don't tell people at school because I don't want to be judged and none of the guys' kids know. Only the parents and my parents. They understand I'm not comfortable with people knowing right now. The only thing is I have my eye on someone. That's Bella, yes Bee and Straub's daughter. Nobody knows about my crush. Bella is almost a year older than me but not quite so she's in my grade. I'm really good friends with her and I don't want things to be awkward so I'm just going to leave things as they are.

Me loving a girl I know I have no chance with.

This concept has been in my head forever and I kinda like it!! I'm sorry for slow updates on this book but I'm doing what I can!! I hope you enjoyed!!

Life (A Cube SMP FanFiction) The third book in the High School TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now