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-=+=- Timeskip 1 year bc why the heck not -=+=-

Mist's POV
I wake up to my husband beside me. I get up and to get some breakfast but before I feel like I'm going to be sick so I go to the bathroom and soon enough throw up in the toilet. I look and see what seems to be blood in it.

"Oh crap." I mutter under my breath.

Oh god I might be pregnant.

I leave a note for Parker that I'm going out to the store.

Once I get to the store I buy 3 different pregnancy tests. When I get home I pee on all of them and they all show up positive. I go into the bedroom and wake Parker.

"What?" He says sleepily.

I put the tests in front of him and smile.

"You're going to be a Father." I whisper.

Bee's POV
"Honey can you give Bella a bath?" I hear my husband say.
"Yep!" I say popping the p and taking a daughter who is only 3 months old.

I bathe her in the sink and get her dressed. Once I'm done I get a phone call of Mist.

"Hey Mist what's up?" I ask.
"Hey, could you guys possibly come over later tonight around 6?" She says.
"Yep, we'll be there." I reply.

Graser's POV
"H, I really want to adopt." I say.
"Well I'm ready when you are." He says.
"Really!?" I say.
"Yeah, we can go tomorrow and meet a child." He says.
"Oh my god H I love you so much!" I say kissing him.
"Well, I would hope you'd love me considering you married me." He laughs.


"Babe we're going to Mist and Parker's at 6 okay?" I hear Graser say.
"Okay." I reply and continue doing the laundry.

Will's POV
"Jordan, will you watch Jack for a second?" I ask.
"Yeah sure." He says picking up the 2 year old.

I answer my phone.

"Hey Parker." I say.
"Hey, can you guys come over at 6 tonight?" He asks.
"Yeah, we'll be there." I reply.
"Okay great." He replies hanging up the phone.

Ryan's POV
"Hayden, come here." I say picking up my 2 year old daughter.
"Dada." She says.
"Hey sweetheart." I say kissing her forehead.

Brayden walks into the room and comes and gives me a hug.

"Daddy!" Hayden says reaching over to him.
"Oh hi Hayden." He says taking her in his arms.
"I got a call from Mist today and we are going over at 6, is that okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, that's great." He replies.
"Mist." Hayden says.
"Yeah, we're going to go see Mist." Brayden says.
"Yay!" Hayden says.

Oh god is she cute.


Mist's POV
At around 6:10 everyone has shown up and gotten settled.

"So guys Parker and I have some news." I say.
"Mist is pregnant!" Parker screams.
"Oh thanks like I wasn't going to say anything." I laugh.
"Congrats!" Bee says coming over and giving me a hug.

Everyone else congratulates us. This is going to be a wild ride.

Life (A Cube SMP FanFiction) The third book in the High School TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now