Saying Goodbye (Part 18)

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"Uhh ..." Tomioka says nervously.
"Oh?! Are you going for a mission?"
Y/n guesses. "How would you know?" Tomioka asks. "Well, I'm not that oblivious ya know! You wouldn't look like that if you didn't hide something! Now answer me! Are you going somewhere?!" Y/n said a little bit angrily.

"Yes y/n i am going for a mission that could be a week long or maybe even longer.."

"WEEK? LONGER?!" Y/n was now yelling due to shock. "Can i come? I won't be a bother..." Y/n offers. "No, the Master had told me not to bring anybody, not even you." Tomioka said. "Okay.. but you have to be safe okay?" Y/n then came closer to Tomioka and hugs him. "I don't want to lose you too.. you are very special to me.." Tomioka was a bit shocked when she said this but calmed down later on.

"I'll do my best to finish this quickly.."

"You'd better be! Or else I'll look for you myself!"

Tomioka then sighs and tries to reach for y/n's hands, he held it tight and says, "Don't worry y/n i won't die that easily.. and besides even if i do leave Kocho and Kanroji will protect you." Now y/n was just silent.

" know.. i won't be that happy anymore if you leave me more over if you won't be like this anymore. You were the one that saved me. They did not, i am indebted to you.. i owe you my life. Not them... What's the point of my life if the one that saves me dies first?!" Y/n was now crying. Tomioka was panicking inside he didn't know what to do instead he did something unbelievable, even for him.....

-a few minutes later-

Y/n has calmed down and was now taking a nap. Tomioka looks at her for the last time and leaves, but when he looked at the door he realized it was open.. Could someone be watching them while they were talking?

He got in the kitchen and sees Shinobu with Mitsuri. "Oh? Tomioka- san? Are you finished talking with
Y/n-chan?" Shinobu asks. "Yes.. she is now taking a nap again." Tomioka replies.

"Now, now Tomioka-san even if Y/n is your secret girlfriend you must remember to close the door even lock it. But if you can't just don't do something with her here at the butterfly mansion, i am afraid the little kids were would see you two." Shinobu teasingly said. Tomioka was visibly shocked. 'So someone was watching us talk. More over it was Shinobu, did she' That's what he thought.

"She is not my girlfriend Kocho..." Tomioka answered. "Well that took you a long time Tomioka-san~ Did you just think of something just now? Hmm?~~~?" Shinobu continues teasing Tomioka. "Oh right Tomioka-san! Was it true???" Mitsuri suddenly asked. "What is it?" Tomioka replies.

"Oh? What truth are you talking about?!" Rengoku crashes in the conversation. "Oh hello Rengoku-san." Shinobu greeted him. "Rengoku-san!~ sit here with me!" Mitsuri offers and Rengoku sat beside her and says, "Now what truth?"

"Tomioka-san kissed Y/n in the forehead!! While she was crying!" Mitsuri suddenly yelled. Well that was out now, it seems that the whole Mansion heard what Mitsuri said. They all looked at Tomioka who was frozen with a hint of visible blush in his face. "What? Is that true Tomioka? And where did you hear that?" Rengoku turns to Mitsuri. "Umm.. Shinobu-chan told me about 5 minutes ago!" Mitsuri said. "I mean i had to tell her what i saw." Shinobu cuts in.

"The door...was open.. then...Kocho came and saw me kiss her... Kanroji... What Kocho said is true there is no use in denying it." Tomioka successfully said. "Oh my gosh Tomioka-san you're all red!" Shinobi said. "Just like a Tomato!" Mitsuri added. "Well it seems that you two are officially dating, but is it okay with Ubuyashiki-sama? A Hashira dating a Demon?" Rengoku wondered.

"She is not my girlfriend yet." Tomioka said. "YET~~~" Mitsuri and Shinobu adds. "Tomioka! I would like a man-to-man conversation with you!" Rengoku said. Tomioka nods and they both left the kitchen to go outside. "I wonder what would they be talking about." Mitsuri says. "We can only wonder." Shinobu added.

(With Tomioka and Rengoku)

"So what do you want to talk about Rengoku?" Tomioka asks. They stopped walking and it seems the atmosphere was getting serious so was Rengoku's face. One could say he was very serious and scary at the same time.

"Tell me Tomioka do you actually love her?" Rengoku said. "What?.."

To be continued...

Word count: 836 words
Should i just hide the word count?
The next chapter will be long since we are very close to the 20th chapter, it might not be a great deal to others but it is to me! Let us celebrate together!

.... Giyuu Tomioka x FEM Demon Y/NDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora