The Headquarters (Part 2)

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The Hashira turned to leave as he remembers he still needed to report.

Y/N's pov.

"Where are you going?" I ask while being confused with this newfound strength I have. He simply answers. "You don't have to know".

I wanted to know why but if he doesn't want to explain then i won't ask.

I was saddened that he was going to leave...then suddenly he asked "Do... you.....wanna come with me?........ Although it's a bit far" My face lit up and I responded with a cheerful and excited voice "I wanna go with you! Even if it's far..."

My family is already gone and he knows what am i....wait a minute....WHAT AM I?!!!!

Nobody's pov.

Tomioka looks at Y/N's face and asked "You seem shocked....what is it?" Y/N worriedly said "What am i? It feels like as if i had grown sharp teeth and claws...and also I was stronger!"

Tomioka then said "You have been turned into a demon after you get checked by Kocho i will explain further." The demon then replied "Okay, I understand"

{Time Skip} - {They have arrived at the demon slayer headquarters}

Tomioka's pov.

I looked to my left to see y/n being amazed she then asked "You live here?" I simply replied with "yes.."

"Where are we going?" She asked again. I responded with my calm voice "To my master he needs to know about you not eating humans".

She replied with an 'okay' then i nod. In all honesty she's the only one I have no trouble talking to....

We arrived at Master Ubuyashikis' place he arrived after a few minutes and we started to talk about my mission.

He asked me "How was your mission dear Tomioka?" His voice was gentle so I responded "It was okay nothing to be worried of it master."

"Seems like there's more to the story please do explain Tomioka" I flinched when he knew I was hiding something. So I decided to come clean "I was on my way back here but I stumbled upon a demon feasting on a family I tried to save all members but I was too late they were all dead"

I continued "However, a young lady survived but was turned into a demon she newly turned so she had no control and attacked me I dodged the attack and she somehow got control over her demon side that she didn't attack me further and she hasn't tasted any human flesh nor blood"

Ubuyashiki-sama was quiet for a bit he then said "That's impressive she didn't attack you anymore after she cried?" I only replied "Yes .."

"Well then we should test it with the other a few days I will held a meeting and we'll see if she tries to eat them or not I will make my final say when it's done. But for the meantime you and the insect Hashira will take care of her is that clear?". I responded calmly "Understood master Kocho and I will take care of her."

To be continued.....

519 words

.... Giyuu Tomioka x FEM Demon Y/NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang