Newfound Identity

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IMPORTANT QUESTION: What do you all think of me making FNF inspired Original Characters for this series?

I once went by the code of "If there's an OC then it's shit". But after careful liberation I've come to know of why so many authors create Oc's in the first place, it's just so god damn fun to make them!

It also ties up pretty nicely to where the concept of this book came from, an FNF mod

And now here I am asking YOU about your thoughts about this idea

I also apologize for my infrequent updates as it is mainly due to the vacation I've just took with my family

And you may now enjoy your read :)


Now within the confines of the prestigious UA, Black as usual sat in his seat in silence. Most of his classmates had yet to arrive, thus leaving Black with the early birds. Many had found it weird that Black seemed to always be the first in class. Ever since his debut no matter how early one of them would have arrived to class, Black would always be one step ahead of them

Some may call this trivial but some truly did wonder about Black's situation. Although that mystery was better left unsolved

Many had made cautious glances towards Black of which didn't go unnoticed to him. After the bloodied sports festival many of Black's own classmates had been rightfully wary of him

However it appears that Black had other plans in mind. Plans that included the search of the best quirks in the entire city. To be specific, the quirks of heroes

Some of which included several local heroes such as Rouge's Gain Drain, Golem's Tamp, and Faze's Power Siphon. All of said heroes held very desirable quirks. As an added bonus the listed heroes were luckily both low in ranking and are quite local

Black was quite thankful to Maroon for spending the entirety of his sleep on digging up so much information. Maroon has always acted as a sort of right hand man for Black ever since he had joined his operations

Black could still remember seeing the baggy eyes of Maroon in the dead of the night, holding a stack of papers featuring rows of potentially obtainable quirks


It was the day after he had saved the woman from those human traffickers, Black had decided to take a bit of a break together with his comrades. Considering that he hadn't seen them for quite some time, he believed it to be a worthy investment of his time

He'd originally been the only one taking residence in the dorm as he was a special case for the school. However after his comrades had also taken residence of the dorm. As expected, the environment had turned into a hodgepodge of Maroon and White going back and forth whilst Black and Grey stood in the sidelines observing

The two bickered about anything they could talk about. Although tiring, he wouldn't deny that the time had been a pleasure to see

In the dead of night Black laid in the corner of a sofa as he held a black guitar with red outlining. Black stared into the reflection of which the guitar emitted. Before he began to look around to see none but himself within the living room, all alone in the dark

Moonlight entered the room through the open windows. Of which radiated an ominous yet peaceful scene to anybody who would dare witness. That was until Black began the intro to his small tune. With a guitar in hand he quietly played whilst looking up into the illuminated night sky

Black Sun (MHA X AMONG US)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon