First Contact

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Welcome to the Skeld. With a rather shocking amount of Impostor related incidents, it truly was a surprise to see it still being used even after all of that. Rumours say that once you are chosen as a member aboard it, you will never come back alive. However, rumours are merely rumours after all. Such things surely aren't true, right?

Upper management agreed with those thoughts and denied such rumours and had taken extra precautions for the space expeditions this time around. And thus a crew of 10 crewmates was formed to venture into deep space to transport resources for a base set up on the surface of the planet Polus

All was going along quite smoothly. A functioning "high tech" electrical room, crewmates doing their respective tasks, and of course, zero complaints on the food. For now...

However all of that was not what it seemed to be. This time around, the most brutal among Impostor kind had cursed them with it's presence. Thus lead to the dire situation

Only four of them remained. The Impostor among them had been on one helluva killing spree, even after the first meeting took place the Impostor had already taken the lives of three of their men. May god bless their unfortunate souls

However this was not the time to reminisce of their time in the space program. Because this Impostor needed to be ejected

On the east side of the ship, Blue wandered down the halls of the Skeld with extra caution. The deaths of his comrades had certainly taken a toll on his mental state as he was searching every corner for any signs of suspicious activity

'Okay, I just passed Orange and I know that he is in the Admin room. Cyan is probably in security considering that he'd already finished his task. And Black, I haven't seen much of him around. So is he the Impostor? No, no, no, I can't go around assuming the worst in every situation. Yeah, if Black isn't dead by the next meeting I will definitely be voting Black. The others will understand my reasoning, right?' Blue rapidly thought. Paranoia and anxiety quickly built within his system as he performed his next task. The ship navigation system

Whilst performing said task however, the ships alarm began to blare as panic arose within Blue 'Shit! The reactor has been sabotaged! We gotta regulate the damn thing!' Blue thought whilst running with all his might towards the reactor room. He constantly looked around himself, paranoid of whether he was the Impostors next unfortunate victim

Once he arrived to the reactor, he found none other than Black standing by one of the identification pads. The reactor required the signatures of two personnel in order to be accessed. Out of the three people he could have been paired up with, it of course had to be Black. The one he suspected to be the Impostor

Blue dashed towards the second identification pad on the other side of the room. However, the reactor's control menu was opening up for him despite the two identification personnel requirement. That was until he realised that his suspicions were indeed correct

"Black..." Blue stammered out. He turned behind him to see the one and only Black standing before him. Blue could only feel dread as he was stared down by the Impostor, it's visor glinted a blood red glint as it held it's bloody knife

"You were the Impostor" Blue said. Black remained motionless, opting to take his time with his prey

"The others are all dead. We both know that when this reactor sets off, the Skeld will be oblirated and any trace of us will be wiped. Rest well Blue" Black said. With tensions rising, so did emotions. After that he'd been through within the Skeld. The dead friendships, sadists slaughter, betrayal. Blue had had enough of the madness and bursted with emotion

"Wouldn't you also die from the explosion!? What is the point in killing us when we've done nothing wrong! Those guys had families waiting for them back at home! And you just took them away for what!? Because you have a blood fetish!?" Blue yelled in emotional anger. Black remained unfazed at the cries of his prey and remained still with his ever so menacing stare

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