The Abnormality

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Once the Obstacle Race was over, the screen showed the placements of the top 42 competitors. A majority of which included students from class 1A and class 1B

"Now then here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be?" Midnight said with a wink

The screen began to show the many kinds of possible events. And a few seconds later it landed on "Calvary Battle"

The students began to discuss amongst themselves, many had mixed feelings with the event. While some were down right disappointed with the event, of which was a certain winning astronaut

'Calvary Battle... I'd prefer getting a job done alone. This event is going to be quite an annoying one for sure'

"Let me explain. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value" Midnight explained, she then continued

"The points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. And the point value assigned to first place is Ten Million" The competitors all looked towards the Black astronaut with a predatory stares

'Perhaps I should have known that Nezu would do such a trick. However, a challenge worthy has finally been provided'

"In other words, if you take down the first place player's team you can stand at the top no matter what place your in!" Everyone continued to stare down Black, the atmosphere tightening by the second. Black was pulling in eyes like a magnet

"Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear this many times as you attend UA. That is what it means to go Plus Ultra!" Midnight then pointed towards Black with her whip and continued

"Black, who placed first in the qualifiers, is worth ten million points!" All eyes were on Black, the leading figures being Todoroki and Bakugou. However, a quiet chuckle was heard from Black. Which then transpired into a maniacle laugh reminiscent of a villains laugh, many were startled by this. Black then stopped, and looked around himself

"Catch me if you can, however I suggest you ignore me to the best of your abilities" Many were tempted to believe him after his display. However, the chance of a guaranteed pass into the next event was too much for them to reject

"Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!" Midnight informed the competitors. The students scattered in search of their team whilst Black was simply wondering around the field

'I already know who my first comrade will be. A brother in arms such as him would arrange me into a greater light with a certain hero'

Black wandered through crowd in search of any potential team mates. That was until he found the one he was looking for chatting with another classmate. Izuku Midoriya. Black crept behind the two and appeared before them

"Greetings Midoriya" Black said, the two jumped at the sudden appearance until Midoriya regained his composure. Midoriya waved his hand and said

"Oh hi Black! Are you looking for a team by any chance?"

"Correct. Is there perhaps an empty in your team of which I could fill in? I understand your hesitation considering my placement, however I would be a great help in assisting you in this endeavour" Black explained, Midoriya held his hand up and responded

"Why do you think I would think like that Black? Of course I would team up with you" Midoriya said with honesty

"Yeah, it's better to stick with people you like and trust" Ochako commented

"Wise words from a bubbly girl. However, who will be our fourth member?" The group began looking around. None wanted to join with Black due to his placement, they were faced with rejection after attempting to recruit Lida to their team. Desperation arose until Midoriya spoke out

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