Fateful Reunion

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The familiar darkness that Grey laid within was no stranger to him, as it was the world his mind had repeatedly wandered into on multiple occasions. Aside from the empty void there also appeared to be the Skeld's meetings room, the very place he'd lost his father to the despicable humans

How dare they call themselves the greatest beings on earth when they can't even have sympathy for the most helpless of people, it was complete and utterly infuriating

His rage inducing thought's were quickly dissipated as he gazed into the stars from the behind the reinforced window. The moment he lost his father seemed to be the end at first. Nobody to care for you, immenant danger from a murderous alien, alone among a crew of selfish people

That was until that very same murderous alien appeared beside him to give him the hand none would have given. His master gave him love, friends, purpose. Time really does fly by faster than you want it to. All of it seemed so encased in the past that once Black had vanished, his everyday had felt empty. Not even his hitman Monotone could access him

Grey continued staring endlessly into the empty void of space. Reminiscing of the times he'd spent with the Impostors. Red and Green being love birds, White being a fool, Maroon being his caretaker, Monotone being a teacher at times, even Red Mungus had a place within his heart. But none could compare to Black, his master

Whilst he was reminiscing. In the blink of an eye, Grey was suddenly transported to the scene of his Impostor graduation. The room he was sent into was the Skeld's electrical, decapitated bodies and pools of blood littered the room as what Grey witnessed was a memory of the past

His past self stood among the bloodied bodies of the crew with a knife in hand. Seeing the crime scene he'd single handedly created, he looked extremely ecstatic. Twitching at every moment at the sight of his masterpiece. Looking back it calmed present Grey as he looked at his past self before looking down to his hands. That was until from the corner of his visor came Black

Past Grey quickly turned to face his mentor as he greeted him the second he had entered

"I've finished off the remaining members of the Skeld, are you pleased with my results?" Past Grey asked. Black surveyed the deceased crewmates for an excruciatingly long time. Past Grey awaited in anticipation and anxiety of his mentors response, twitching more an more the longer it went on

"I am more than satisfied Grey. You've certainly surpassed my expectations" Black said. To which past Grey could only burst in excitement. He made all sorts of weird movements, from uncontained jumping to the flailing of his arms

Seeing the excitement of his apprentice, gave him the will to give a light smile. Although obscured by his visor, one could certainly feel it either way. And thus, Black had decided to bestow a bit of a reward

"Why don't I give you a little prize?" Black asked. Of which caused past Grey to stop in his track. A noticeable tremble could be seen in his posture, as he stared at his mentor in disbelief

"A prize? I don't think I'm deserving of such a thing yet" Past Grey said. Such a thing shouldn't been given so early on in his apprenticeship. Black however begged to differ

"No need to be humble Grey, you've already proven your worth to me" Black said as he had a slight pause

"You're invaluable" Black said. To which past Grey held back his excitement with all his might. Already doing so the first time, he'd preferred to not embarrass himself again

"Is what your saying true?" Grey carefully asked

"I have no reason to lie Grey. So tell me what do you wish to have" Black said. Despite this, Grey was hesitant in accepting a reward

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