Knowledge Seekers

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"I'm Katie Millard" A ginger haired woman in a red dress said

"And I'm Tom Hank" A blonde man in a blue suit an black tie said

"And we're here to bring you breaking news" Katie said, the background changed to show the bloody body of a spiky haired blonde surrounded by medical personnel

"The UA sports festival has ended in disaster when one of it's student's brutally injured a student named Katsuki Bakugou" Tom said, pictures of Katsuki Bakugou were shown in the background

"It is shown that the perpetrator is a student named Black, the same individual who killed several villains in the USJ incident" Katie said, footage of Black competing in the sports festival was shown in the background. Depicting him as a violent hero in training

"Sources say that although Black had killed several villains, he'd been a vital part of the defeat of the League Of Villains during the USJ incident" Tom said, images of the villains apart of the USJ raid were shown one by one. Displaying the power of Black

"Should this hero in training be given a second chance?" Katie asked the viewers. Quickly followed by Tom

"Or should he be condemned for his actions? Find out more next time on All Stars News" Tom said, the channel changed to another insignificant news channel as from behind the display glass was a traffic cone wearing astronaut

This is what a lone astronaut saw on a TV display infront of the electronics store. Many passed by the individual with fearful expressions, those passing by accelerated their steps in order to avoid the astronaut

"Mommy is that a hero? He looks funny!" A little girl asked. The mother of the child had a dreadful look upon her face. After glancing towards the astronaut, she returned to face her daughter

"Sure... I guess you could say that sweetie. How about we walk faster? Like a race" The mother asked. Her daughter wholeheartedly accepted the game and ran with all her might

Beside the television display however laid a group of three teens leaning beside the wall enjoying their coloured drinks. That was until one of them noticed the individual in question

"Hey fellas, isn't that the guy from the sports festival?" One of them asked. Attracting the attention of the other two

"He looks like it, but he looks kinda different don't ya think?" The second teen spoke before taking a sip of his straw. That was until the astronaut turned to stare at the group in question. The empty yet almost psychotic eyes within the visor sentenced the trio into a fight or flight scenario. Sweat dripped from the three's face as they sat there frozen in place

"Man I think we should bounce" The third suggested. Snapping the others out of their mental prison

"Yeah... good idea" The second said before storming out of the area

The astronaut was unfazed with the fearful looks as he was currently occupied with a discovery. He looked into the TV with great interest, even laying a hand against the glass shielding the television display. The astronaut clutched his fist, before saying in a determined voice

"So this is what you've been doing all this time Master. I've found you"


Their surroundings were built in a typical office office meeting room. Twin lines of tables were formed with a single table connecting the two lines of tables. The conference room held the following people; Nezu, All Might, Present Mic, Snipe, Vlad King, Ectoplasm and Naomasa. All of which were here to initiate an interrogation upon a certain murderous student. With a sudden knock on the door Nezu permitted

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