A Promise To All

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After everyone had gone through hell and high water, having to do 50 more laps on top of their previous ones, Aizawa then kept them in Gym Beta to do even more exercises until lunchtime rolled around. All the students, especially the more athletic ones, were extremely exhausted and aching all over from the nearly nonstop working and moving around

Once they all got their food and finally sat at their tables, they all nearly melted right into them from sheer exhaustion. Some fell right to sleep, some fell face-first into their food or the table, and some went completely stiff in their seats. While others were just too hungry to even care about being tired.

Black however didn't care too much about his surroundings and began his search for the analyst Izuku Midoriya. He found him with two other classmates who he recognised as Tenya Lida and the brunette girl who'd asked him a question during his debut. Black stepped closer and started eavesdropping on the three

"So what do you guys think about Black?" Midoriya asked the two in front of him. The two he'd asked took a moment thinking of their answers

"For a villain he's very creepy, did you see how he fought Bakugou? His explosions weren't doing a thing against that spacesuit" Uraraka said to the behest of her horror. Seeing the dead bodies of her father and mother had certainly taken a toll on her. That was until Midoriya had received another response from Tenya

"While I do agree that his quirk is rather powerful, he does seem like a pleasant person" Lida spoke with honesty, befitting someone of his character. The two of them widened their eyes in shock at what their rule abiding friend had to say

"Really Lida?!" Uraraka asked with suprise in her voice. She stood from her seat before quickly taking it back

"Well yeah he did protect me from Kacchan's explosions even when I intentionally sabotaged his fight" Midoriya admitted. That was until Black made his presence known. He came in their line of sight with a bowl of katsudon on hand with a friendly demeanor unfitting of him

"It was not a problem Midoriya, the safety of my comrades come first in any battle I enter" Black said. The turned their heads to Black, returning his friendly attitude with theirs

"You wouldn't mind if I were to join your little discussion?" Black asked the three. Uraraka gave looks of concern to her friends. Despite that, Lida insisted despite her visible worries

"Of course not Black, please make yourself comfortable" Lida answered. A genuine smile arose with a welcoming aura. Followed by Midoriya's own response

"We've got no problems about it" Midoriya said. He took another mouthful of Katsudon after saying so

Black set his katsudon down on the table before taking his seat next to Midoriya. Black could see that Izuku had a troubled look on his face despite the delicious food he'd been enjoying

'What a shy boy, a few words of positivity will have him see me in a positive light' Black thought. Deciding to ease his worries

"It is understandable as to why you would attempt to save your friend, I would have done the same and perhaps more. So do not worry, I forgive you for the inconvenience" Black said. Midoriya looked at Black with a rather shocked face, surprised that a villain would be so considerate of someone like him. The villain sitting next to him had forgave him

"Thanks Black" Midoriya said with a bright smile. One that would brighten up anybody's day

"Your welcome Midoriya. We are still human after all, we all make mistakes" Black said. Intentionally deepening his connection with Midoriya. Although manipulative, there laid a small hint of honesty within Black's words

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